Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Condition of Condition

           The Universe awakened me at 1:28--I've no idea why.  Generally, the Call to Write is the Reason~~~  the Universe sends me Info to be recorded and transmitted to an unwary Public innocent of the Nature and Direction of  Intent, meaning, I am just a Conduit for Universal Spillage; stuff on this screen is suppose to appear "of its own accord", I mean, it'd be great if I had an agenda that includes [is the result of] some sort  of Schedule,{where schedule MAY be syllabus} {{I mean shit---if only}}.    Instead of any Agenda [in lieu] I have a reliance upon Feeling---(which is why I sucked at my Major)---whereby Feeling is NECESSARY for the NEED to ryte.  I'm unreliable .

          It's not that I don't `work on` shit--- Thoughts as drafts are ever-present in my Psyche-- I 'hold' them as I work which then allows Formulation ---that is -- the Whole becomes self aware as Knowledge and in the best cases Wisdom-------when this occurs the shit  writes itself in the Exact same way that once you Master Sword Forms the Forms "DO" you .   

          I am loath to supply incomplete copy .   Open-ended MindlessfullNess implies {speaks of} inability and/or laziness---BOTH when daunt and whelm have activated disTrust, Doubt and Suspicion .  I sometimes wish there was a Pill for that  ....................................

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