Wednesday, August 3, 2022

NOW is Forever

           For my purposes,, it is best to define Primal Fear as The Fear of Death AND The Fear of The Experience of Dying.   No one wants to die from the effect of prolonged Torture manifested as seething IllNess and non-Curative {Abominatory} Collapse .  We would [so much] rather "die in our sleep".  In lieu of Slumber Death there is the vaunt of dying "with our boots on" and the ever atrocity-laden "going out in a Blaze of Glory" {Gory}.   Only a Few actually SEEK Death.  Our present Civilization views Suicide as PRIMAL ABOMINATION, the ACT of defying God's Will, and the OBJECTIVE Reality that Life is INNATELY Precious.   

          Apparently {A Parent ly} Death IS the Ultimate Unknown, and {once again} the Unknown is to be Feared {or so we have been taught}.  There is Life and the Other >>> represented as Death<<<, Here now "Fear of the Other" which has non-magically constituted a Reality of Perception that is SO magnificently deleterious to Objective Cognition [that it] actually manifests as egregious Societal `malfeasance of Character` where Character embodies acceptable Conduct.   Here it is where Truth does NOT factor into individual not societal Conscience .  It doesn't have to.   Here now "Criminal Behavior" exhibits those UNWANTED Characteristics of Non-Future Orientation >> the "Just Now" components of RADICAL self indulgence typified as "Immediate Gratification".

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