Monday, August 1, 2022

Active Passivity

            There is the Realm of the Computer and its "World-Wide Web".   I have elsewhere contended that the WWW is a "Neural Net", that, the WWW is World MIND .   I did not include it with Film and Music because {along with TV} it is both Source of Information AND Entertainment .  I view the WWW as Earth's Nervous System,  a System whose Internal Dynamic is primarily Psycho-Logical {and Psycho-ILL-Logical}.   As such, the WWW is Mind E-X-P-A-N-D-I-N-G  but somehow is NOT ConsciousNess Raising and AwareNess Promotive .   Once again one's ConsciousNess governs the employment and utilization of the WWW---Choice itself the OPINION {Selective} of one's Mind directed to the various channels of Information {and AFFIRMATION} that afford Peace and Understanding to Mind's where {Introspective} Effort is to be avoided at any and all Costs .    

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