Monday, August 1, 2022

"They Became What They Beheld"

           You wanna figure that any Investigation of Tele-Vision should be foundationed upon Marshall McLuhan [with Quentin Fiore] in their The Medium Is The Message ---An Inventory of Effects and indeed Franklin Foer in his World Without Mind---The Existential Threat of Big Tech opens with homage to McLuhan and Pioneer Others including Edmund Carpenter and his They Became What They Beheld {Masterpiece}.  From where I stand {and sit} their `IT` aint enough .  I contend that TV acts like Fairy Tales and Fables to encode {and inculcate} upon the Collective ACCEPTED Societal Values, Morals and  Mores.   The 'Thing' here is the NATURE of the dissemination is Dream-like.  TV >>>INDUCES<<< a Receptivity devoid of Mental Activity, a Receptivity that is characterized by resolute Passivity which then blocks Analytical Observation thereby Unconsciously Promoting the most General Acceptance REGARDLESS of Truth and ANY Reality-Based {Factual} Evidence .   Truth need NOT be a Component of TV Reality since Truth RESTRICTS 'Acceptance' because of its very Nature, the Nature of Naked Reality with ALL its NON-Entertaining Constructs .   ALL of Us KNOW  "The Truth HURTS".

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