Thursday, September 29, 2022

Beauty IS the Beast


          In lieu of actual readers, I've resigned myself to write for any futurists,who, by cozmic happenstance, may 'come across' the work of (by that time) an ancient.   I value my own precedent, that of finding Chuang Tzu's Inner Chapters, wherein I found his story of the 'Village Cripple/Hunchback' who managed to secure the Respect of all those who entered his Realm by producing an industry that provided shelter, water, food and even Surplus.   Chuang Tzu intimated a Sage-like Quality of which his fellow villagers accessed .  He possessed a Wisdom begotten by hard Work and (unrelenting) Self  Demandation [the demands placed upon one's self BY one's self].  

   Here now,,  Beauty IS the Beast.

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