Thursday, September 29, 2022


           Legend has it that Bodhidharma 'sat' "9 years before the Wall".... so it is that my efforts to `build` a 'wall' carry with them Bodhidharma's Example of Devout Resignation.   Understand that NO ONE can see this {my} Work...I don't care since the Eyes of the Celestials have PENETRATING Vision that extends to the Infinite Dimensions, and it is THEY whose Favor I seek .  

          It may be a mistake to refer to this `wall` AS a 'Wall'.  It is more a "Setting" than a true Wall, since I have eschewed using rocks {roks} and stones I can lift with just my hands and arms.  The mini-boulders were already there [for the most part] {but not really} and I was [and still am] intent upon using what is directly in front of me.  Once inside this Realm, I `saw` that I could represent the 8-Fold Noble Path with 8 Primary{s} such is their size.  Each is significantly different, with regard to "face" and Presentation.  Sitting before this Wall invites a View of Infinity, each rok and stone a Galaxy of Molecules-As-Stars, thus providing access to a composite NothingNess deemed of the Hy-est Value to {thoze} exploring the `Outer-As-Inner`.  


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