Thursday, September 29, 2022



          I'm about to head-out to return a few items and tools to their protective locations.  I was too sick yesterday to do so and the job-site is UN-site-ly.  For {thoze} that read my Twitter, the 'pipe-stretcher' I devised was an unmitigated SUCCESS.  I did, however, GROSSLY underestimated the Weight of that rok which I conclude from imagining how many fifty-pound [barbell] plates would fit within its mass.  I was unable to leverage ANY movement and was forced to devise yet another `system` which could accept the puller and instance a 'straight-line pull' which then transformed the pipes from stretcher to rails.  THAT was COMPLETELY Successful and the rok now rests upon the surface platform of the table stone.   

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .

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