Friday, September 30, 2022

"My Favorite Martian"


          There were Fails that bordered on catastrophes [[to be sure]].   They were (of course) `made into` Challenges.  Here, it's best to View "The Martian" wherein Matt D. experiences Failures that are no mere Catastrophes bc on Mars EVERYTHING is "Life or Death".  The Pressure to Succeed is GIGANTIC since Failure proscribes only Death.  No such "Life or Death" simulation awaited my endeavors---quite the Opposite actually~~~in my Instance Failure meant re-thinking and PROPER Planning, the one that MUST foresee Failure as Ongoing Condition and therefore MUST be confronted not just as Possibility but{so much worse} Probability.  Here it is where "X-The Unknown" is a Primary State of Actuality, an Actuality that can best be `seen` as Invisible Force(s)~~~Energies that the Conscious Mind cannot Apprehend as conceivable Reality.  If Success is to be wrested from {seemingly} Dire Constraints, the Mind MUST-BE Directed INTO [Multi] Dimensional Aggravation, that's the one that can Penetrate the Invisible Realm(s) wherein lie Solutions to what now can be described as Cozmic Paradox meaning Real Problems do NOT 'occur' in JUST in 'Real' Reality (where they can be Solved by a steadfast Conscious Application of Newtonian Physics) but instead `carry` with them the Energies of Incomprehensive Chaos otherwise Known as Mysteries.

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