Friday, September 30, 2022

"Invisible Touch"

           Elsewhere I have modernized Zen Master Seung Sahn's "Don't Know" to What The Fuck.   What The Fuck is an expression of COMPLETE STALL, One's Mind has literally STOPPED due to Confrontation with the {sometimes Hideous} Cozmic Resolute, that's the one whereby the Universe DENIES Solution by placing UnRecognizable Conditions within a 'pigeon-hole' scope of Vision.  You can't 'see' bc you can't See.  My Hero, Robert Pirsig, has described the DEMAND to just STOP trying to Think and to [just] Sit and Stare.   The Psycho-Physics behind [and beneath] this 'State' may {or may NOT} provide an Understanding that facilitates Movement --- whateva---.  "Dont Know is a Condition BEFORE 'Thinking" and AFTER Thinking--- it is a ```Zone``` of {Cozmic} Empty-Ness within which ALL Knowledge is {Contained}.  [[[ Achieving]]] Empty-Ness `dissolves` ConsciousNess which can then 'pass' through the Membranes of Dimensions that Restrict Access .   Once Entry has been Achieved Solutions ```Appear``` .

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