Friday, September 30, 2022

"Victim of Love"

           The 'Appearance' of Solutions may or MAY-NOT supply APPLICATION.  It is of little value to have a Solution in which Tools that you do NOT have are needed .  Here, the Demon of "If Only" rears his ugly head thereby imposing not just Dismay but indeed {fucking} Horror.   How many Times have we brutalized ourselves with, "I shoulda bought that Tool when the Opportunity presented itself." ???   Bent and Twisted gets us to the Wring and Wrung of Mind-as-dishcloth .   Be {ever} Mind-full that Solutions Appear as a BLIZZARD of Uniques, still further blinding us to ONE Solution that CAN be Applied .  This "This" leads us BACK to Thinking but on the Level of Decision .   We must decide on the most appropriate Solution that can solve ALL Existing Difficulties {Problems} and render Acceptable Movement .   

          I had the Solution to utilize foot long pipe rollers to ease movement.  I applied them and where I intended only gentle Nudge, the pipe rollers MAGNIFIED this gentility to TECTONIC and the mini-boulder went 2 feet IN THE RWONG DIRECTION , and not only that, but as it moved it toppled the scaffolding upon which it rested. 

Fucked, I say, and that Twice Over .

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