Friday, September 30, 2022

"Hush Hush ~~~ Voices Carry"


          So there's this Guy, his name is Roger Welsch and he's written a few books on [Farm] Tractor Restoration.  My fav is  Busted Tractors and Rusty Knuckles within which is to be found "Small Victories".   Clearly you want to avoid Agony and Excruciation when you Work but more often than Not 'things' get beyond Human Control to such an extent your just-GOTTA Figure the Universe has sent Vultures to feed upon your exposed-to-the-World liver.   What to do---what to do .  

          When you DO 'get-to' Hideous Stall there's sometimes nothing you CAN do except Nothing, but THIS >Nothing< is Special.   Roger steps back and listens to the Rolling Stones through Ampi-Theater Speakers that can be heard on Uranus.   Robert chooses to clean nuts and bolts with his Tap & Die Set, while I resort to the Submarine Order to "CLEAR THE DECK ---DIVE, DIVE,, DIVE..."    Here, I pick up all tools, rugs and mats and make the Area Secure for the Advance of Inertia .   When > It < is "All Clear" THAT'S when I can Sit and just Stare THAT'S when I hear the Voices that command Direction.

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....


"Victim of Love"

           The 'Appearance' of Solutions may or MAY-NOT supply APPLICATION.  It is of little value to have a Solution in which Tools that you do NOT have are needed .  Here, the Demon of "If Only" rears his ugly head thereby imposing not just Dismay but indeed {fucking} Horror.   How many Times have we brutalized ourselves with, "I shoulda bought that Tool when the Opportunity presented itself." ???   Bent and Twisted gets us to the Wring and Wrung of Mind-as-dishcloth .   Be {ever} Mind-full that Solutions Appear as a BLIZZARD of Uniques, still further blinding us to ONE Solution that CAN be Applied .  This "This" leads us BACK to Thinking but on the Level of Decision .   We must decide on the most appropriate Solution that can solve ALL Existing Difficulties {Problems} and render Acceptable Movement .   

          I had the Solution to utilize foot long pipe rollers to ease movement.  I applied them and where I intended only gentle Nudge, the pipe rollers MAGNIFIED this gentility to TECTONIC and the mini-boulder went 2 feet IN THE RWONG DIRECTION , and not only that, but as it moved it toppled the scaffolding upon which it rested. 

Fucked, I say, and that Twice Over .

"Invisible Touch"

           Elsewhere I have modernized Zen Master Seung Sahn's "Don't Know" to What The Fuck.   What The Fuck is an expression of COMPLETE STALL, One's Mind has literally STOPPED due to Confrontation with the {sometimes Hideous} Cozmic Resolute, that's the one whereby the Universe DENIES Solution by placing UnRecognizable Conditions within a 'pigeon-hole' scope of Vision.  You can't 'see' bc you can't See.  My Hero, Robert Pirsig, has described the DEMAND to just STOP trying to Think and to [just] Sit and Stare.   The Psycho-Physics behind [and beneath] this 'State' may {or may NOT} provide an Understanding that facilitates Movement --- whateva---.  "Dont Know is a Condition BEFORE 'Thinking" and AFTER Thinking--- it is a ```Zone``` of {Cozmic} Empty-Ness within which ALL Knowledge is {Contained}.  [[[ Achieving]]] Empty-Ness `dissolves` ConsciousNess which can then 'pass' through the Membranes of Dimensions that Restrict Access .   Once Entry has been Achieved Solutions ```Appear``` .

"My Favorite Martian"


          There were Fails that bordered on catastrophes [[to be sure]].   They were (of course) `made into` Challenges.  Here, it's best to View "The Martian" wherein Matt D. experiences Failures that are no mere Catastrophes bc on Mars EVERYTHING is "Life or Death".  The Pressure to Succeed is GIGANTIC since Failure proscribes only Death.  No such "Life or Death" simulation awaited my endeavors---quite the Opposite actually~~~in my Instance Failure meant re-thinking and PROPER Planning, the one that MUST foresee Failure as Ongoing Condition and therefore MUST be confronted not just as Possibility but{so much worse} Probability.  Here it is where "X-The Unknown" is a Primary State of Actuality, an Actuality that can best be `seen` as Invisible Force(s)~~~Energies that the Conscious Mind cannot Apprehend as conceivable Reality.  If Success is to be wrested from {seemingly} Dire Constraints, the Mind MUST-BE Directed INTO [Multi] Dimensional Aggravation, that's the one that can Penetrate the Invisible Realm(s) wherein lie Solutions to what now can be described as Cozmic Paradox meaning Real Problems do NOT 'occur' in JUST in 'Real' Reality (where they can be Solved by a steadfast Conscious Application of Newtonian Physics) but instead `carry` with them the Energies of Incomprehensive Chaos otherwise Known as Mysteries.

Thursday, September 29, 2022



          I'm about to head-out to return a few items and tools to their protective locations.  I was too sick yesterday to do so and the job-site is UN-site-ly.  For {thoze} that read my Twitter, the 'pipe-stretcher' I devised was an unmitigated SUCCESS.  I did, however, GROSSLY underestimated the Weight of that rok which I conclude from imagining how many fifty-pound [barbell] plates would fit within its mass.  I was unable to leverage ANY movement and was forced to devise yet another `system` which could accept the puller and instance a 'straight-line pull' which then transformed the pipes from stretcher to rails.  THAT was COMPLETELY Successful and the rok now rests upon the surface platform of the table stone.   

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze... .

Tit for Task

           It is crucial [if not flat-out VITAL] to impress upon you the Significance of Labor-As-Devotion.  This 'It' is {Necessarily} SECONDARY to the Practice [Execution] of Sword Forms in that Sword Practice is HIGHEST Order of {"MY"} Spiritual Existence .   There is no Cozmic Crevice that Sword does not Reach [Extend].  Here, Sword "acts-like" Antenna, an Antenna that itself "acts" as a conduit in which Universal Energy Flows.    This "This" is what you Want {or SHOULD Want} in each and every daily task (and/or Ritual) you execute {or Perform}.  Here now the "Magic and Mystery" of "I draw water, I carry wood" can be paralleled with, `I raise rock, I move stone`.   This "It" can be `found` in "I wash the dishes and I put them away".   When you Mind is "Clear like Space" Universal Energy Flows with Ease.  Within this Condition Work is NOT Work, indeed, 'It' is as The Venerable Kahlil Gibran extols, "Work is Love made Visible".   We must {at times} substitute >Beauty< for Work in order to encompass day-to-day Activity , making this 'It' on an Order of a Religious Experience >>> the GOOD  Kind.  

"Stone Cold Fever"

           If you are of the mind, I strongly urge you to check-out "Stone Cold Fever" the 3rd cut off "Humble Pie Performance ---'Rockin' The Fillmore ' ".   In it you will Hear the Intensity of rok and stone Industry, the drive of Mason's Sledge and the tik-tok of Simplex Advance.  Understand that when I work there is only the Sound of Industry NOT this particular Song---such is the Nature of True Attention .   The Music `enters` AFTER the day is done and the day is examined in contented Retrospect .  

          One of "The Things-About-Stone-Work" is {a particular Refinement of} Accomplishment.  There is the Aspect of "Immediate Gratification" which is hardly 'immediate' and the result of  {only} INTENSE [sometimes P--R--O--L--O--N--G--E--D] `Sustaination' {sustained effort}.  No matter --- .   Accomplishment is attained by repeated Successes of Implementary Advance---each inch a Victory of the Application of Physics' Principles and the Will of  {Devout} Intent.   Moving Rok and Stone DEMANDS Concentration, a Concentration whose Anchor is none-other than Meditation Skill.  Here, "No Mind" is Essential only AFTER "Mind" has found True Orientation in Principles.  There is this ::  All Brain and NO Brawn which is followed by "All Brawn and No Brain".  Believe it. 


           Legend has it that Bodhidharma 'sat' "9 years before the Wall".... so it is that my efforts to `build` a 'wall' carry with them Bodhidharma's Example of Devout Resignation.   Understand that NO ONE can see this {my} Work...I don't care since the Eyes of the Celestials have PENETRATING Vision that extends to the Infinite Dimensions, and it is THEY whose Favor I seek .  

          It may be a mistake to refer to this `wall` AS a 'Wall'.  It is more a "Setting" than a true Wall, since I have eschewed using rocks {roks} and stones I can lift with just my hands and arms.  The mini-boulders were already there [for the most part] {but not really} and I was [and still am] intent upon using what is directly in front of me.  Once inside this Realm, I `saw` that I could represent the 8-Fold Noble Path with 8 Primary{s} such is their size.  Each is significantly different, with regard to "face" and Presentation.  Sitting before this Wall invites a View of Infinity, each rok and stone a Galaxy of Molecules-As-Stars, thus providing access to a composite NothingNess deemed of the Hy-est Value to {thoze} exploring the `Outer-As-Inner`.  


Beauty IS the Beast


          In lieu of actual readers, I've resigned myself to write for any futurists,who, by cozmic happenstance, may 'come across' the work of (by that time) an ancient.   I value my own precedent, that of finding Chuang Tzu's Inner Chapters, wherein I found his story of the 'Village Cripple/Hunchback' who managed to secure the Respect of all those who entered his Realm by producing an industry that provided shelter, water, food and even Surplus.   Chuang Tzu intimated a Sage-like Quality of which his fellow villagers accessed .  He possessed a Wisdom begotten by hard Work and (unrelenting) Self  Demandation [the demands placed upon one's self BY one's self].  

   Here now,,  Beauty IS the Beast.