So there's this Guy, his name is Roger Welsch and he's written a few books on [Farm] Tractor Restoration. My fav is Busted Tractors and Rusty Knuckles within which is to be found "Small Victories". Clearly you want to avoid Agony and Excruciation when you Work but more often than Not 'things' get beyond Human Control to such an extent your just-GOTTA Figure the Universe has sent Vultures to feed upon your exposed-to-the-World liver. What to do---what to do .
When you DO 'get-to' Hideous Stall there's sometimes nothing you CAN do except Nothing, but THIS >Nothing< is Special. Roger steps back and listens to the Rolling Stones through Ampi-Theater Speakers that can be heard on Uranus. Robert chooses to clean nuts and bolts with his Tap & Die Set, while I resort to the Submarine Order to "CLEAR THE DECK ---DIVE, DIVE,, DIVE..." Here, I pick up all tools, rugs and mats and make the Area Secure for the Advance of Inertia . When > It < is "All Clear" THAT'S when I can Sit and just Stare THAT'S when I hear the Voices that command Direction.
Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....