Tuesday, November 29, 2022

War is Swell

           We must conclude that one of the Results of the "Experiment of Democracy" was the failed Coup attempt by trump and his.   Democracy has a 'genetic predetermination' of `inevitable demise` .   On the Street that That looks like this :  `Democracy eats itself`.    

            The Experiment revealed  Democracy's Characteristics = the Reliance upon the UGLY HeavyNess of  WAR .   Democracy NEEDED War to sustain its Existence .   THIS was Lincoln's Democracy .   Clearly it was NO DIFFERENT from Washington's .   

           War is VITAL to Democracy's Existence .  Trumpism's Fascists REVEL in War .  Therefore : Trumpists REVEL in >>>Democracy .


Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .

Miss Conceived

           The Left continues to conceive Democracy as an >>> Experiment .   This Conception is FRAUGHT with inconsistencies, conflicts, and scientific cliches that have INVITED Mass Delusion.  The so-called "Scientific Method" includes = "Hypothesize, Observe, Analyze and Draw Conclusions".  Here now can be seen the   TRAGIC FLAW   of the   "Experiment of Democracy" ---> it,   By Definition, DEMANDS a "Hands Off" PASSIVITY, because, according to Science Industry, ANY "Hands On" Manipulation CONTAMINATES the Results .    You can't {Miss} the Obvious ... .   Democracy, as set in motion by the Founding Sots , Relied on UNREMITTING Vigilance and Various "Course Corrections" so that the Trajectory toward Utopia remain "Straight" and "True".   Socio-Political `Manipulation` was abjectly NECESSARY IFF Democracy (as Status Quo) was to retain Correct Evolutionary >>>Direction.  To consider Democracy as an Experiment  is [grotesquely]  Obscene .  

Miss Construe

           I have sought to {construe} the present-day Political "Realm" as a Childhood Fables and Tales Phantasmagoria within which "Magical Thinking" and Fanciful Desire reek HAVOC upon [the] Collective Conscious that   SHOULD  be tuned to Civilization-al Evolution --- the one of Adult {Mature} Cognizance --- the one of [actualized] Reality, specifically = "Situational AwareNess" otherwise known as 'Combat Ready' Field Intensity.   The Left steadfastly REFUSES to acknowledge the now SORDID Actuality of Fascist Aggression , choosing instead to refer to the ENEMY as "colleagues across the aisle".   Here, "Wishful Thinking" epitomizes DELUSION.    Here, "If Only" is brandished like some Teddy Bear with the words, "Do it for HIM".   Here, "I'm hopeful" signals an OPEN Admission that FAILURE is most certainly 'likely' but that HOPE is "All that remains" of {futile} Exigency gone the way of "Pissing into the wind".  

"If Only" --Ism

              The American Left has yet to FULLY {Real Eyes} [that] the TRUE Nature of RepubliK{KK}an Political Ideology is NO Ideology at AT ALL .  We must assume that (a) Political Ideology is >Governmental< at its {foundational} Core.   Indeed, both Liberal(ism) and Conservative(ism) DO have a 'set' of Values which themselves are oriented toward a VIABLE Socio-Political Existentialism wherein {whereby} Principles are the Means of Directed Will, meaning, Governments's >Agency < has ONLY the Benefit of the Country as its UNIVERSAL Goal .        The abject Perversion of the republican party, recognized [rightfully] as >Trumpism< {aka FASCISM} has [now] generated a DESTRUCTIVE FORCE that is {LASER} focused on Democracy ANNIHILATION .   

          War is HARDLY  a 'Condition' of uncomfortable and disagreeable >Circumstances<  a [Something] that Debate and Diplomacy can Mitigate .   With a MONSTROUS DIABOLICAL BRILLIANCY, trumpists have actually WEAPONIZED Democracy and turned IT against Itself thereby 'turning' America into a Culture-War Battlefield wherein Hatred, Bigotry, Neo-Nazi-ism, White Krisstain-ism are like Nuclear Detonations that have filled the Socio-Political Atmosphere with LETHAL Radioactivity.

          Yet, the Left dwells in "If Only"---if only republiKKKans would "come to their senses" and disavow trumpism . 

           2 {werdz}  It aint-gonna happen, not now,, not {eva}.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Wooly Pulley


           It's time to get into the Tools' Room----it's plenty warm enough and my ribs are beginning to ache from sitting and and --  typing .   

          "Peace of Mind" CAN-BE Overrated.  Technically what transcends Peace of Mind is "Not Moving Mind" --- but that's a Topic for another morn.  Zen Master Steve Winwood once exacted, "There is HappiNess in Strife".  [Traffic--John BarleyCorn Must Die] ---  to this add Chuang Tzu  "Perfection is the result of Struggle"  [The Inner Chapters].   

           I spell "Peace of Mind" this way  E-L-E-C-T-R-I-C  M-O-T-O-R .  I THINK I have one in the Mini-Barn .   

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....


The ass in hassle...

          I can hear you Kidz Screaming >>>  "THE PULLEYS --WHAT ABOUT THE FUKKING PULLEYS ???".   I'm gettin' there ...... don't forget exactly how OLDE I am ~~ >
          I believe we can "rest assured" in the assessment that Humans ALWAYS {seem to} dodge real 'Work' by finding `ANYTHINGELSE` that can 'put-off' expected drudgery that "looks to the world" to be unrelenting Hardship .    Here "Procrastination is the Thief of Time" is readily dis-charged in favor of `ALWAYS PUT OFF 'TIL TOMORROW WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TODAY`.    Of that I'm guilty .
I delude myself with a wholesome Vibrancy that seeks VALUE in the itsy-bitsy of Task Deflection .  I clean, I organize,, I listen to Musyq --- all under the near Halucinogenic Immediacy that identifies Procrastination with Project Planning .   Indeed, when passers-by call out,
 "Get off your ass and get going !"  I return,  I'm NOT resting I'm PLANNING !!!!  I LUV myself for that kwik witted Ness .   I'm {wikked} {smot}.

"A tisk-et a task-et .." [1879]

           You'd think {and I want to PRETEND} I NEED "Peace of Mind" to {Right} .  Not {kwite}.  Robert Pirsig in his Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance , describes `the time when he and his friends` intellectually stumble over a set of [Japanese] directions that began with "Assembly of this bicycle begins with "Peace of Mind".   The artists within his friendgroup* INSTANTLY recognized the WISDOM of this Preliminary, while the others scoffed .  Of course Pirsig defended this 'advice'.  I do as well BUUUUUT ,, there ARE >> Industry Standards<< that can be applied when (("Peace of Mind" is either unattainable or simply TOO Distant)) Peace itself is ridiculously unwarranted, meaning, sometimes "You gotta DO what you gotta DO" is the BEST that can be utilized to begin and maintain Task Surety .  


Square Root Beer

           There is a stark connection between my being a `Righter` and my NEED to Salvage what the Ancients have valued as 'Absolute' --- Universal Wisdom --- Wisdom that has maintained its Integrity throughout the Ages .  Here it is where Myths, Fables, Tales, Proverbs, Colloquial-isms, [et al]  have {somehow} scribed the Collective Conscious not JUST with Direct Aspiration* but with the GODALMIGHTY POWER of the Collective UN-Conscious as well as the misfit problemations* of Subliminal Aggravations.   Not only do we "Act according to the way we SEE things" --- We 'act' in response to Subliminal and UnConscious "Promptings" many of which are `drawn from` an Animalistic PRE-ConsciousNess that [correctly] Identifies us as Primal SAVAGES .   

          It is IMPERATIVE to try and understand the True Nature of Myths, Fables Tales etc.  These 'Stories' are Expressions of the Collective [Universal] UnConscious .  Drs. Jung and Campbell have meticulously described this This .  [Man And His Symbols --- The Masks of God] .   

          The aforementioned pulleys {as well as the pump-jack} are NECESSARY Components for the {Industry} Operation of >>> Right-ing  at least for MEEE .   Here it is where "Peace of Mind" MUST-BE a Foundation for [of] Creative Expression       Deep-Rooted Analysis Resulting .


           In Ken Kesey's [American Masterpiece] Sometimes A Great Notion,  is described a "wish-for" and "delivery' of ~Items of Intense Desire~ .  He tags the `process` ---> "Sending Out".   Sometime ago a 'down-the-road' neighbor was throwing-out a couple of 'old school' grinding sets the core of which where two Millers Falls mini pulley `towers` that had ancient [but modernly serviceable] grindstones worthy of axe and maul exactions.   These platforms were INGENIOUSLY constructed with care given to the machine screws and wing nuts that allowed for adjustments and manipulations rite down to the 'finesse' level.  I was gobsmacked* by its Simplistic Calm-Plexity .  This Guy had 'Thought things through' .  This {shyt} was so old, the wood was crumbling and the tin shields were like cardboard .  I LOVED all of IT.  I vowed to utilize his Mind Energy, which had been bonded to the platforms by Love and Intent and had remained with these objects for AT LEAST two ZILLION Years---indeed so smitten was I that no time was dis-charged and cleaning began straight-away.

         I had never seen Millers Falls pulley `towers` and his Application of them was Smithsonian Suitable.  




          I have ignited all three burners on the camping stove that heats the Tools' Room.   When the room `gets to temp` I'm gonna leave this space to clear the vise / drill press / grinder /chain sharpener Table so I can hit the speed bag without `clusterfuk` guilt .  I can't 'take' the cold .  As I {wurq} here the Remington Mini-Furnace 'has my back'---the Cave now an acceptable 70 degrees .  

          I can't {ryte} without the Heat .  I'm olde now .  The Hell-Being "Do or die at ANY cost" can be harnessed only under {X-TREEM} duress ---He is Fury ridden ............................ .

          Today's wurq 'is about' this --->  

                    "Have in your hold the Great Image/ And the Empire will come to you."

          Yesterday, after a few months,, electric motor pulleys came into my possession .  They were `sent` to me by the Universe ~~~~ a Blessing {Kiss} that has {is} a Kozmyq Affirmation of 'Correct Trajectory'.  

           Know the Parallel =  Lao Tzu and Mick Jagger  = =

                  "You can't always get what you want /  but sometimes, if you Try /  

                         You get what you need."

             One {Wurd}    Believe It.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

"Half measures avail us nothing".


          Make no mistake, Mind Energy is a Force .   As such, it must be developed BEFORE it can be utilized.  There is NO Risk involved .  Mind Training is similar to all other Trainings, in this, Commitment precedes the Actuality of the Training, meaning, Devotion to one's self is a Necessary First.  Be advised, "Half measures avail us nothing".    

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ....

The Corps of Qozmyk Qozmytons

           Captain Obvious' Corps of Qozmyk Qozmytons rallies to this Battle-Cry : "Fight Mind Energy with Mind Energy".   Straightforward enough .   But this 'straightforward enough' belies Inner Difficulty, it is "Easier said than Done".   We must keep in mind the Foundation of the Captain's >Militant Ideation< to Advance `Penetrative Attention` to 'What lies Directly', in other words, we want to See "the Forest AND the Trees".   This means to Direct Mind Energy in such a manner as to FOCUS on the OBVIOUS   FIRST AND FOREMOST because only then can the IN-Direct and Sub-Liminal be detected and/or uncovered.  That's what we want---a WHOLE-istic Panorama --- to See EVERYTHING .



Terms of En-Fear-ment

           Captain Obvious is yet to publish his Dictionary of Obvious Obvious-es but those of his most familiar have '{spent} and ready' access to his Sanskrit Lexicon which supplies us with, "Original Mind generates Original Mind Energy".   "Original Mind", its Origin and Function,,  MUST-BE reserved for a Later Consideration.  Today only >Mind Energy< is to be examined and placed into the Context of Socio-Political Congregation---special to the American Midterm Elections and the Democrat Survival of a Neo-Confederate {Konfederate} Revolution .   

          Elsewhere I have defined Political Power as `the Ability to control the minds of the populace`.  Here it is whereby >Mental Manipulation< finds presentation in unrelenting Propaganda which results in 'Brain-Washing' [WHITE Washing] ,  with the Political Intent of DEFINING 'Social Order' as a STATUS QUO that is maintained by holding True to an Ancient Value System that is NOT nor CANNOT be >>Apprehended< , by EVERY American Citizen .   This Status Quo actually DEFIES Democracy, rather, it PERVERTS Democracy by ascribing Democracy's Most SCANT to TRANSCENDENTAL Deliverance, meaning, The Will of the Majority is superseded by Democracy's OBLIGATION to "Protect the Few". 

"Uhhhh Houston ???  We have a problem..."



          Every morning I recite the "Great Dharani of Original Mind Energy".   Dharanis are "short sutras that contain magical formulas of knowledge..." .   It acts as a Mind scour-er and Brain cleanser as well as a healing agent while enriching the actual brain tissue as well .  That describes its {Physyqs} but the 'Magic of Knowledge' is identified by its Agency, that of Lucidity, Clarity and Vision Acuity .  What is the `Magic of Knowledge` ?  None-other than `Figure-Mentation`--- the ability to Manifest the Images of Imagination into Real World Thought Presentation other-Wise known as Writing .  The MAIN Characteristic of the Great Dharani is POWER, Mental Power, the Power to BE  >>>Anywhere, in Any Time .  The Application of the Great Dharani not only [provides] accelerated access to AnyWhere and AnyTime but also provides for the Creation of Space both {Here} and in Other Dimensions.