Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Miss Conceived

           The Left continues to conceive Democracy as an >>> Experiment .   This Conception is FRAUGHT with inconsistencies, conflicts, and scientific cliches that have INVITED Mass Delusion.  The so-called "Scientific Method" includes = "Hypothesize, Observe, Analyze and Draw Conclusions".  Here now can be seen the   TRAGIC FLAW   of the   "Experiment of Democracy" ---> it,   By Definition, DEMANDS a "Hands Off" PASSIVITY, because, according to Science Industry, ANY "Hands On" Manipulation CONTAMINATES the Results .    You can't {Miss} the Obvious ... .   Democracy, as set in motion by the Founding Sots , Relied on UNREMITTING Vigilance and Various "Course Corrections" so that the Trajectory toward Utopia remain "Straight" and "True".   Socio-Political `Manipulation` was abjectly NECESSARY IFF Democracy (as Status Quo) was to retain Correct Evolutionary >>>Direction.  To consider Democracy as an Experiment  is [grotesquely]  Obscene .  

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