Thursday, November 24, 2022

Wooly Pulley


           It's time to get into the Tools' Room----it's plenty warm enough and my ribs are beginning to ache from sitting and and --  typing .   

          "Peace of Mind" CAN-BE Overrated.  Technically what transcends Peace of Mind is "Not Moving Mind" --- but that's a Topic for another morn.  Zen Master Steve Winwood once exacted, "There is HappiNess in Strife".  [Traffic--John BarleyCorn Must Die] ---  to this add Chuang Tzu  "Perfection is the result of Struggle"  [The Inner Chapters].   

           I spell "Peace of Mind" this way  E-L-E-C-T-R-I-C  M-O-T-O-R .  I THINK I have one in the Mini-Barn .   

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....


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