Thursday, November 24, 2022

The ass in hassle...

          I can hear you Kidz Screaming >>>  "THE PULLEYS --WHAT ABOUT THE FUKKING PULLEYS ???".   I'm gettin' there ...... don't forget exactly how OLDE I am ~~ >
          I believe we can "rest assured" in the assessment that Humans ALWAYS {seem to} dodge real 'Work' by finding `ANYTHINGELSE` that can 'put-off' expected drudgery that "looks to the world" to be unrelenting Hardship .    Here "Procrastination is the Thief of Time" is readily dis-charged in favor of `ALWAYS PUT OFF 'TIL TOMORROW WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TODAY`.    Of that I'm guilty .
I delude myself with a wholesome Vibrancy that seeks VALUE in the itsy-bitsy of Task Deflection .  I clean, I organize,, I listen to Musyq --- all under the near Halucinogenic Immediacy that identifies Procrastination with Project Planning .   Indeed, when passers-by call out,
 "Get off your ass and get going !"  I return,  I'm NOT resting I'm PLANNING !!!!  I LUV myself for that kwik witted Ness .   I'm {wikked} {smot}.

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