Thursday, November 24, 2022

"A tisk-et a task-et .." [1879]

           You'd think {and I want to PRETEND} I NEED "Peace of Mind" to {Right} .  Not {kwite}.  Robert Pirsig in his Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance , describes `the time when he and his friends` intellectually stumble over a set of [Japanese] directions that began with "Assembly of this bicycle begins with "Peace of Mind".   The artists within his friendgroup* INSTANTLY recognized the WISDOM of this Preliminary, while the others scoffed .  Of course Pirsig defended this 'advice'.  I do as well BUUUUUT ,, there ARE >> Industry Standards<< that can be applied when (("Peace of Mind" is either unattainable or simply TOO Distant)) Peace itself is ridiculously unwarranted, meaning, sometimes "You gotta DO what you gotta DO" is the BEST that can be utilized to begin and maintain Task Surety .  


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