Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Miss Construe

           I have sought to {construe} the present-day Political "Realm" as a Childhood Fables and Tales Phantasmagoria within which "Magical Thinking" and Fanciful Desire reek HAVOC upon [the] Collective Conscious that   SHOULD  be tuned to Civilization-al Evolution --- the one of Adult {Mature} Cognizance --- the one of [actualized] Reality, specifically = "Situational AwareNess" otherwise known as 'Combat Ready' Field Intensity.   The Left steadfastly REFUSES to acknowledge the now SORDID Actuality of Fascist Aggression , choosing instead to refer to the ENEMY as "colleagues across the aisle".   Here, "Wishful Thinking" epitomizes DELUSION.    Here, "If Only" is brandished like some Teddy Bear with the words, "Do it for HIM".   Here, "I'm hopeful" signals an OPEN Admission that FAILURE is most certainly 'likely' but that HOPE is "All that remains" of {futile} Exigency gone the way of "Pissing into the wind".  

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