Thursday, November 24, 2022

Square Root Beer

           There is a stark connection between my being a `Righter` and my NEED to Salvage what the Ancients have valued as 'Absolute' --- Universal Wisdom --- Wisdom that has maintained its Integrity throughout the Ages .  Here it is where Myths, Fables, Tales, Proverbs, Colloquial-isms, [et al]  have {somehow} scribed the Collective Conscious not JUST with Direct Aspiration* but with the GODALMIGHTY POWER of the Collective UN-Conscious as well as the misfit problemations* of Subliminal Aggravations.   Not only do we "Act according to the way we SEE things" --- We 'act' in response to Subliminal and UnConscious "Promptings" many of which are `drawn from` an Animalistic PRE-ConsciousNess that [correctly] Identifies us as Primal SAVAGES .   

          It is IMPERATIVE to try and understand the True Nature of Myths, Fables Tales etc.  These 'Stories' are Expressions of the Collective [Universal] UnConscious .  Drs. Jung and Campbell have meticulously described this This .  [Man And His Symbols --- The Masks of God] .   

          The aforementioned pulleys {as well as the pump-jack} are NECESSARY Components for the {Industry} Operation of >>> Right-ing  at least for MEEE .   Here it is where "Peace of Mind" MUST-BE a Foundation for [of] Creative Expression       Deep-Rooted Analysis Resulting .

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