Another day elapsed and then the thought that the tank had been critically over-filled 'arrived', perhaps THAT was the cause of the leak, thing is, I NEVER heard nor experienced such a thing, BUT !!!!!!... . If that was the case than all that mattered was to vent the tank --EZ-PZ--- ! I waited bc I didn't want to waste the fuel........I mean what else {what other solution} was there ?
Even more Time transpired { a day ? Two ?? } .
This arrived : How to vent the tank PROPERLY ??? Much better question . I wandered and pondered ... . This arrived next : conduct an experiment !! Bring the 3-burner stove outdoors, connect the tank and see what happens . THAT made much more sense .
Through-out all this miasma of thinking I was filled with the ominous presence of Life-Ending Catastrophe--- the one in which I get expLODED and the House as well . I set the tank at the end of its hose to establish DISTANCE from the Tri-Burners .
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