Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Tuner Fish

                       I had to STOP gazing at my Lava Lamps bc I got ENGROSSED in their SUPER Fluidity.  It was just so goddamn INTERESTING to Contemplate the Movements of the Galaxy via the "Lava" and its BUBBLES that somehow provide a scale model of the Universe and ITS generation of Planets and Stars .   I have Issues... .

            Still...  I use-to promote the Experience of Lava Lamp Gazing as an AID to Meditation now I only SUGGEST Lava Lamp Gazing and do so for Beginners who NEED {oddly} Visual Aids to help Focus their Minds on just ONE item .   The Concept [to be] addressed is that of 'the SUSPENSION' of Thinking, which enables various Cosmic Variables to 'arrive' at ConsciousNess* .   Here it is were the Mind 'acts' lie a stereo TUNER, able to receive Cosmic Vibrations when the unit is "Tuned In" .  Indeed, the FAMOUS Mind >Tesla< perceived Humans as nothing more than robot ANTENNAS, crude Tuners with less than ample refinement .   But when you get "Tuned In", I mean, you're THERE .

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