Among the plethora of antonyms for Fear is {believe it or don't} >>FAITH<< . I have a predilection for the selection of Faith because Faith is one of the Three Essences of Buddhism : "Great Faith--Great Courage--Great Question" . Here it is where a "True Believer" has "Great Faith". I am such an one .
Can an Argument be made that Faith NEUTRALIZES Fear ? I mean, shit-yeah, but is 'it' VALID ? If Faith IS a Neutralizing Agent --exactly HOW does it 'work' ? I mean it this way : when you're SCARED SHIT is Faith gonna "arrive" to "Save the day" ?? Initially, of course not ---but if one is able to achieve a modicum of composure then Faith DOES "arrive" in the form of >>>Confidence in one's Self<<< which CAN be 'linked' to Bravery . Oddly : no Bravery no Faith, no Faith no Bravery . Fuck if that aint a "Tough One".
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