Monday, October 26, 2020

Piss Paw

 I've 'run out of gas'. 

 I NEED to express my RABID Abhorrence of Biden's "Unification".   There has been a TECTONIC Shift that makes ANY Attempt at Unification an Act of Desultory Exasperation.  Those of Us 'On The Street' recognize 'Desultory Exasperation' as "Pissing Into The Wind".  From a Rhetorical Perspective, Biden is better served to use "Heal the Wounds of a Battered and Traumatized  Body Politic", if I may quote myself.  Here it may be that a Healed Body can now host a Healed Mind  i.e., One Body, One Mind which MAY lead to Peace of Mind, Plenitude of Body.  

Remember Kidz  what We're-After-as-a-Nation is HARMONY.  As in ANY Orchestra,  Individual Instruments 'WORK TOGETHER' while maintaining their Individuality.  Each Instrument Vibrates IN CONCERT to generate Tones and Pulsations that ACTUALIZE Resonance. 

What We Share is Our HUMAN Form.

THAT should be Enough.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....


 Even a Casual Observer of History would consider that the Entry Into The 2nd World War was "Unifying" in the Sense of Patriotic DUTY.  GIVEN the FACT of National Pandemic  [Great Depression] Misery   One would consider the GLOBAL Plague Pandemic as Planetary ENEMY and that a War On Covid should be considered, therefore, the THIRD WORLD WAR and as a Result of THAT Delivery One MUST perceive that the EFFECT of The Declaration of War On Covid SHOULD BE the ULTIMATE in Unifying 'Factor-ization'.  We KNOW that THAT is UNDENIABLY Ridiculous.  If Anything THERE IS NO WAR ON COVID.  American Tribalism DOMINATES the National 'Scene' [the National OBSCENE] as even 'Masking' has become a DIVISIONAL "SPEAR".  If Anything, Covid has been PUNISHINGLY Catastrophic in Its Execution of TECTONIC Shift.  If Anything, the Great Divide in America is analogous to the Tectonic Shift that Separated South America from Africa.   There AINT no fuckin' goin' Back.


 I'm hard-pressed to contain my FURY when Joe Biden claims he's-gonna "Unify" Our Country.  I mean, 'It' SOUNDS 'Good'.  But tell me, if you will, exactly HOW is this Unification to be Accomplished given the FACTS of Splinter-ization, Fracture-ation and Fissure-ization ???  One would think we need a "Crack" Head in order to Initiate and Execute the REPAIR of Constitutional and Democratic Institutional 'Machinery' .    I aint buyin' it  >>  not for a nickel, not for a cent.

The following Question both Plagues and Pandemics me >>>>  Do We WANT to be UNIFIED ?????

The Next is no easier >>  What, exactly, is the True Nature of this Unification ?

Where are We to find an Example of National Unification ???   We need not Search the Land in an Expeditionary Crusade.

2 Locations >>   The Great Depression, WW I (maybe) and WW II.

Abject MISERY  and   Patriotic FERVOR.  That I WILL Buy !!!!!


Groucho Marks

 I DID try to 'concert' myself in an Effort to compile said "Shared Commonalities" the so-call colloquial "Common Grounds: and in this Endeavor I tried to locate Taxation as One of the BIGGGEST.  Two words :   Stupit Stupit Stupit.  Even as I trudged half-ass-ed-ly Onward I knew in my Heart that I was "Off the Mark" despite a CORRECT Orientation.  Half-ass goes to Half Heart.  Something was RONG, I was fancifully IGNORING the BLARING TRUTH in order to secure Political [Rhetorical] 'Footing'.  The Filthy Rich, the Squalor Wealthy and CORPORATIONS do NOT "Paid In FULL".  'Taxation', rather, the Payment of Taxation, is only a PARTIAL 'Ground' in that HATRED of Paying Taxes MAY be the True 'Common Ground' of American Americanism.  "A Four Year Old could have figured this out----Go get a Four Year Old bc I can't make "Heads or Tails" of it".   

Slaughter on 5th Avenue

A WAAAAAAAAY   L---AAAAAAAAWNG Time Ago I Theorized that the World Wide Web was a Computerization of Global Consciousness which Foundationaly INCLUDED what my Hero, Dr. Carl Jung, [Man and His Symbols] Issued as the "Collective UN-Conscious".   This "THIS"  was, Most Definitively, an 'Uncovering' of a Global Neural Network that Consisted of Waking CONSCIOUS Activity but that UNLEASHED the so-called COSMIC Activity of the Collective (Universal) UN-CONSCIOUS, the Unconscious from which all UN  and DIS Realities have as their Root and Source.  Here it is that Demons, Monsters and Hell-Beings ABOUND to scare the Living and DEAD Shit both Out and IN to our Outer and In-Most Being.  Here it is where our Individual Selfs are PREY to the Nightmare Brutality of Heinous CRUELTY, the Result of Our Pre-Dawn ANIMALITY that of "Eat or be Eaten".   Here it is where Instinct DOMINATES Mindlessness, that of "I didn't really think about it" and "Who GIVES a fucking shit ?" .  Here it is where Reason and Logic have NO "Gravity" meaning, Unconscious Dream Life, does not nor CAN Not actuate Higher Order Reasoning much less Common Sense Profundity.  Here it is where Technological Evolution did NOT 'Account' for a 'Mainstreaming' of the Sordid Perversion of Instinctual Depravity manifested, OBVIOUSLY Unwittingly, as Political Atrocity.  

We are LIVING the Nightmare.

Dante Damn-Nation

 I've been away from this Blog Desk, which I have termed 'Sandbox', bc it hurts to rite.  In the Ancient of Olden Times I wooda-ben able to discharge two hours of Twitter and then 4 more of Blog.  These days, bc of the Political and Socio-Economic HELLS, Prevailing Conditions have been MONSTROUSLY Prohibitive.  These Conditions have acted as a Removal Force: a One Such that perforates my Will, and so Drains even Cosmic Volition.  I'm weak, so weak.

Yesterday Morning, my Hero, (Journalistic Paradigm), Fareed Zakaria, did a 'bloc' on 'How The Pandemic Has RUINED The News-Print Industry'.  I bemoan such a Loss.  It is my FERVENT Belief that the Loss of Newspapers due to the Ascendancy of Internet Computerization, has Mentally CRIPPLED the American Collective Conscious in such a Way that the so-called 'Shared Commonality' of Newspaper Journalism has been reduced to SECONDARY or even TERTIARY Consideration thereby, as stated above, REducing, or should I say, SP---LI-N-TER-ING  a National Consciousness once Religiously Attuned to "We The People".

Owners of the Newspaper 'Corporations' cite the Plague Pandemic as "Cause" to ELIMINATE the Housing Structures of their Newspapers, FORCING Reporters and Opinionists to work in the sometimes STERILE Isolation of Home Offices & Basements, thereby DENYING the "Sounding Boards' provided by "Like-Minded" and Devoted Colleagues.  

Even my beloved Dante could NOT have Conjured such a Literary Hell.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


 I know I SHOULDN'T rely upon inclement weather to act as incentive and/or motivation to rite-----but I do.  Thing with THAT iz, we're DEAD-C-ENTER in a Drought.  Almost EVERYTHING iz, IN FACT, Near Death >>> the turf, MONTHS AGO, 'browned-out', the ground BAKED into a CRUST.  It's been morbidly DEPRESSING and remains so.  

I also MUST Confess, The Effects of the Political Pandemic, characterized by Racial and Economic INJUSTICE, has BRUTALIZED my Senses to a degree of ABSOLUTE Paralysis.  The Degree of POWERLESSNESS has 'affected' and 'E-ffected' me and draaaaaged me to the Precipice of Sustained HORROR, the One of Despair, De-Rangement and Dis-Solution; the One where Ruthless Cruelty is the Atmos-Fear of Primal Exhaustion.  "I can't breathe"..............................

Rock Steady........steady as She goes....

American Zero

 It 'rained' for half a day yesterday, saturating most of Everything, including the sheet and the other stock I need to complete the Overhang.  Wood gets swoLLEN when it gets wet and SHRinks when it dries, it's Nuisance more than anything else, but if you're gonna fuck-somehing-uP then Fuck it uP ALL THE WAY.  So it must be that Today is OFFICIALLY a "Dry-ing Day".  That's 'why' I'm taking this time to Blog.  

I'm SUPPOSE to be writing a 'Book Report" on Painter and Golenbock's American Nero.  I'm still SEETHING over it's COMPLETE and UTTER LACK of ANY Plutarchian 'Compare and Contrast' Resolution that the title implies.  The remainder of the title => "The History if the Destruction of the Rule of Law, and Why Trump Is the Worst Offender" is not even CLOSE to 'what's inside'.  What's Inside is only a SUMMARY of the Political Occurrences of the Past Four Years, succinctly delivered by GOLENBOCK and NOT Painter, PAINTER being the Feature I most wanted.  It's a History Text Book, DRY as can be.  It's a FOUR-HUNDRED and Seventeen Page 'TRUDGE' of ARDUOUS DRUDGERY WITHOUT even ONE Oasis of Relief, not even ONE > MIRAGE <  of Respite.  

I've clamored, History without Insight is as useless as "Tits on a Bull".  So it is with this Text.

"Funkified and Reeferized"

If you Gize 'follow' me on Twitter you know that I've been 'fuckin' around' trying to complete an EXTREMELY simple 'overhang' on the Shed.  It's ONE sheet of sheeting >4 feet by 5 and a half < --- a Something that YEARS AGO I could have accomplished in  15 SECONDS.  There have been design challenges since I didn't want any walls or supports from the ground and suspending it from the adjacent Maple Tree seemed a "Robinson Caruso" [sic ?] 'Funkification'.   I didn't want to enclose the area because it's gonna serve as a tools' Hang-out, shovels, spades, rakes, picks and sledges ---as well a 'Cover' for "Rubber-Maid" Waste Barrels.  

It's not what you think.

The sheet is 'made out of' what appears to be gluedwoodSHAVINGS that project PLYWOOD Strength but that 'Strength' is none other than sheer and utter Camel Dung.  Indeed, 'sheeting' translates as 'half-assed' Plywood, the one where 'half-ass' MEANS "Make Believe".  Thing iz = it's CHEAP and It will 'do' "In a pinch".  Plus, and EVER-SO-MORE-IMPORTANTLY, I got it for NOTHIN' at the Local Free Pallet Give-away Outpost of which I am a HUGE Fan, and upon which my Company "Palatial Propriety" gets ALL of its Components.  So  --------------there's THAT.