Tuesday, October 6, 2020


 I know I SHOULDN'T rely upon inclement weather to act as incentive and/or motivation to rite-----but I do.  Thing with THAT iz, we're DEAD-C-ENTER in a Drought.  Almost EVERYTHING iz, IN FACT, Near Death >>> the turf, MONTHS AGO, 'browned-out', the ground BAKED into a CRUST.  It's been morbidly DEPRESSING and remains so.  

I also MUST Confess, The Effects of the Political Pandemic, characterized by Racial and Economic INJUSTICE, has BRUTALIZED my Senses to a degree of ABSOLUTE Paralysis.  The Degree of POWERLESSNESS has 'affected' and 'E-ffected' me and draaaaaged me to the Precipice of Sustained HORROR, the One of Despair, De-Rangement and Dis-Solution; the One where Ruthless Cruelty is the Atmos-Fear of Primal Exhaustion.  "I can't breathe"..............................

Rock Steady........steady as She goes....

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