Monday, October 26, 2020


 Even a Casual Observer of History would consider that the Entry Into The 2nd World War was "Unifying" in the Sense of Patriotic DUTY.  GIVEN the FACT of National Pandemic  [Great Depression] Misery   One would consider the GLOBAL Plague Pandemic as Planetary ENEMY and that a War On Covid should be considered, therefore, the THIRD WORLD WAR and as a Result of THAT Delivery One MUST perceive that the EFFECT of The Declaration of War On Covid SHOULD BE the ULTIMATE in Unifying 'Factor-ization'.  We KNOW that THAT is UNDENIABLY Ridiculous.  If Anything THERE IS NO WAR ON COVID.  American Tribalism DOMINATES the National 'Scene' [the National OBSCENE] as even 'Masking' has become a DIVISIONAL "SPEAR".  If Anything, Covid has been PUNISHINGLY Catastrophic in Its Execution of TECTONIC Shift.  If Anything, the Great Divide in America is analogous to the Tectonic Shift that Separated South America from Africa.   There AINT no fuckin' goin' Back.

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