Monday, October 26, 2020


 I'm hard-pressed to contain my FURY when Joe Biden claims he's-gonna "Unify" Our Country.  I mean, 'It' SOUNDS 'Good'.  But tell me, if you will, exactly HOW is this Unification to be Accomplished given the FACTS of Splinter-ization, Fracture-ation and Fissure-ization ???  One would think we need a "Crack" Head in order to Initiate and Execute the REPAIR of Constitutional and Democratic Institutional 'Machinery' .    I aint buyin' it  >>  not for a nickel, not for a cent.

The following Question both Plagues and Pandemics me >>>>  Do We WANT to be UNIFIED ?????

The Next is no easier >>  What, exactly, is the True Nature of this Unification ?

Where are We to find an Example of National Unification ???   We need not Search the Land in an Expeditionary Crusade.

2 Locations >>   The Great Depression, WW I (maybe) and WW II.

Abject MISERY  and   Patriotic FERVOR.  That I WILL Buy !!!!!


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