Tuesday, October 6, 2020

"Funkified and Reeferized"

If you Gize 'follow' me on Twitter you know that I've been 'fuckin' around' trying to complete an EXTREMELY simple 'overhang' on the Shed.  It's ONE sheet of sheeting >4 feet by 5 and a half < --- a Something that YEARS AGO I could have accomplished in  15 SECONDS.  There have been design challenges since I didn't want any walls or supports from the ground and suspending it from the adjacent Maple Tree seemed a "Robinson Caruso" [sic ?] 'Funkification'.   I didn't want to enclose the area because it's gonna serve as a tools' Hang-out, shovels, spades, rakes, picks and sledges ---as well a 'Cover' for "Rubber-Maid" Waste Barrels.  

It's not what you think.

The sheet is 'made out of' what appears to be gluedwoodSHAVINGS that project PLYWOOD Strength but that 'Strength' is none other than sheer and utter Camel Dung.  Indeed, 'sheeting' translates as 'half-assed' Plywood, the one where 'half-ass' MEANS "Make Believe".  Thing iz = it's CHEAP and It will 'do' "In a pinch".  Plus, and EVER-SO-MORE-IMPORTANTLY, I got it for NOTHIN' at the Local Free Pallet Give-away Outpost of which I am a HUGE Fan, and upon which my Company "Palatial Propriety" gets ALL of its Components.  So  --------------there's THAT.

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