Monday, October 26, 2020

Piss Paw

 I've 'run out of gas'. 

 I NEED to express my RABID Abhorrence of Biden's "Unification".   There has been a TECTONIC Shift that makes ANY Attempt at Unification an Act of Desultory Exasperation.  Those of Us 'On The Street' recognize 'Desultory Exasperation' as "Pissing Into The Wind".  From a Rhetorical Perspective, Biden is better served to use "Heal the Wounds of a Battered and Traumatized  Body Politic", if I may quote myself.  Here it may be that a Healed Body can now host a Healed Mind  i.e., One Body, One Mind which MAY lead to Peace of Mind, Plenitude of Body.  

Remember Kidz  what We're-After-as-a-Nation is HARMONY.  As in ANY Orchestra,  Individual Instruments 'WORK TOGETHER' while maintaining their Individuality.  Each Instrument Vibrates IN CONCERT to generate Tones and Pulsations that ACTUALIZE Resonance. 

What We Share is Our HUMAN Form.

THAT should be Enough.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

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