Monday, October 26, 2020

Groucho Marks

 I DID try to 'concert' myself in an Effort to compile said "Shared Commonalities" the so-call colloquial "Common Grounds: and in this Endeavor I tried to locate Taxation as One of the BIGGGEST.  Two words :   Stupit Stupit Stupit.  Even as I trudged half-ass-ed-ly Onward I knew in my Heart that I was "Off the Mark" despite a CORRECT Orientation.  Half-ass goes to Half Heart.  Something was RONG, I was fancifully IGNORING the BLARING TRUTH in order to secure Political [Rhetorical] 'Footing'.  The Filthy Rich, the Squalor Wealthy and CORPORATIONS do NOT "Paid In FULL".  'Taxation', rather, the Payment of Taxation, is only a PARTIAL 'Ground' in that HATRED of Paying Taxes MAY be the True 'Common Ground' of American Americanism.  "A Four Year Old could have figured this out----Go get a Four Year Old bc I can't make "Heads or Tails" of it".   

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