Monday, October 26, 2020

Dante Damn-Nation

 I've been away from this Blog Desk, which I have termed 'Sandbox', bc it hurts to rite.  In the Ancient of Olden Times I wooda-ben able to discharge two hours of Twitter and then 4 more of Blog.  These days, bc of the Political and Socio-Economic HELLS, Prevailing Conditions have been MONSTROUSLY Prohibitive.  These Conditions have acted as a Removal Force: a One Such that perforates my Will, and so Drains even Cosmic Volition.  I'm weak, so weak.

Yesterday Morning, my Hero, (Journalistic Paradigm), Fareed Zakaria, did a 'bloc' on 'How The Pandemic Has RUINED The News-Print Industry'.  I bemoan such a Loss.  It is my FERVENT Belief that the Loss of Newspapers due to the Ascendancy of Internet Computerization, has Mentally CRIPPLED the American Collective Conscious in such a Way that the so-called 'Shared Commonality' of Newspaper Journalism has been reduced to SECONDARY or even TERTIARY Consideration thereby, as stated above, REducing, or should I say, SP---LI-N-TER-ING  a National Consciousness once Religiously Attuned to "We The People".

Owners of the Newspaper 'Corporations' cite the Plague Pandemic as "Cause" to ELIMINATE the Housing Structures of their Newspapers, FORCING Reporters and Opinionists to work in the sometimes STERILE Isolation of Home Offices & Basements, thereby DENYING the "Sounding Boards' provided by "Like-Minded" and Devoted Colleagues.  

Even my beloved Dante could NOT have Conjured such a Literary Hell.

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