Monday, October 26, 2020

Slaughter on 5th Avenue

A WAAAAAAAAY   L---AAAAAAAAWNG Time Ago I Theorized that the World Wide Web was a Computerization of Global Consciousness which Foundationaly INCLUDED what my Hero, Dr. Carl Jung, [Man and His Symbols] Issued as the "Collective UN-Conscious".   This "THIS"  was, Most Definitively, an 'Uncovering' of a Global Neural Network that Consisted of Waking CONSCIOUS Activity but that UNLEASHED the so-called COSMIC Activity of the Collective (Universal) UN-CONSCIOUS, the Unconscious from which all UN  and DIS Realities have as their Root and Source.  Here it is that Demons, Monsters and Hell-Beings ABOUND to scare the Living and DEAD Shit both Out and IN to our Outer and In-Most Being.  Here it is where our Individual Selfs are PREY to the Nightmare Brutality of Heinous CRUELTY, the Result of Our Pre-Dawn ANIMALITY that of "Eat or be Eaten".   Here it is where Instinct DOMINATES Mindlessness, that of "I didn't really think about it" and "Who GIVES a fucking shit ?" .  Here it is where Reason and Logic have NO "Gravity" meaning, Unconscious Dream Life, does not nor CAN Not actuate Higher Order Reasoning much less Common Sense Profundity.  Here it is where Technological Evolution did NOT 'Account' for a 'Mainstreaming' of the Sordid Perversion of Instinctual Depravity manifested, OBVIOUSLY Unwittingly, as Political Atrocity.  

We are LIVING the Nightmare.

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