Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Mayan Cryin'

 I'm ravenous -- I gotta leave this here.

There aint gonna-be no Glorious Rainbow of Optimistic Unicorn Shit.  We are in the Abyss of Dark Age Horror, previously deemed IN-FUCKING-POSSIBLE.  I NEED you Kidz to FULLY Comprehend that THIS IS THE APOCALYPSE  >the War of Evil Versus Good< .  Thing is 'It' is NOT 'Biblical' in Form, rather it is Ancient MAYAN in Nature, meaning Political Structure as SPIRITUAL Manifestation.  This 'THIS' is why trump somehow remains as President, a perversely MYSTICAL 'Spirituality', a "Dark Force" of Evil-Ality, if you will,  that can be cloaked in CHILDLIKE Cognizance as in "Why Grandma, what BIG Teeth you have."   The Mayans BELIEVED 2012 to be THE END OF THE WORLD.  I have argued THEY WERE RIGHT.  It seems as if NO ONE was prepared for the Spiritual FORECLOSURE of Political Democracy since its INVISIBILITY was itself manifested as Governmental Obscuration  Fascism Resulting.  

Rock Steady........steady as She goes....

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