Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Don-old Duck

 Among the so-called 'Learned' there is an Essential that decries ANY 'Analysis' that invokes Hitlerian Nazi-ism to Metaphor and/or Analagorize Modern Day Political DRAMA.   You Kidz KNOW I have SYSTEMATICALLY 'invoked' said Metaphor and Analogies in many if not MOST of my Considerations by USING said blaspheme-ic allusions in order to IMPOSE a Toynbee-like 'Pattern Recognition'.  'It' has the EVERYDAY COMMON SENSE that ANY First Grader uses on a Routine Basis---  it is this >>  "If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, and if it quacks like a duck then IT MUST BE A DUCK."  Granted, I have taken MORE than a few intellectual and literary adjuncts in order to express OUTRAGE over the FACT of INTENTIONAL OVERLOOK of CLEARLY Pathological Fascism, that of heinous Political Policy as Ferocious CRUELTY.   

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