Thursday, September 3, 2020

Minority Retort

 Reports are surfacing that are verifying a Conceit I raised during 'Some Time Ago', that being the URGENCY of Recognizing the ABSOLUTE NEED to inflict SLAUGHTER upon trump and his.  The Electoral College GUARANTEES republican VICTORY should the Neutral States turn toward or lean on trump's Bolshevik Extensions.  This Not-an-Election will Gettysburg IN TRUMP'S FAVOR if   'IT'  is "Close".   In recent years the rats have SWAMPED the Popular Vote only to SINK in Electoral College DEFEAT.  Here it is where Democracy's FLAW is itself GUARANTOR of  MINORITY RULE, the Very OPPOSITE of Democracy's Design INTENTION.   

Joey as "Soft-Spoken" 'Gentleman Pokey' is a Persona UNSUITED for the War that currently RAGES..  I personally do NOT see Joey as a Bad Ass Predator KILLER.  That DOESN'T imply he can't be MEAN and Nasty ---it MEANS that he MUST  surround himself with BAD-ASSES who CAN fight like DEMONS in a Bar(r)Room Brawl.  Joey MUST marshal Troops, Cadres and  Contingents in order to WEAPONIZE Political Compassion that which SHOULD be THE Prevailing Ideology of Enlightened Democracy.   

Joey's gotta situate Intellectual WARRIORS as his Cabinet Members NOW !!!!!  Show The Masses that HE is FULLY Capable of ATTRACTING War Ready and Combat PROVEN Veterans whose Abject Virtue CANNOT be Challenged.  

I gotta go.  I've been at this since 1.

Rock steady........Steady as She goes....

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