Thursday, September 3, 2020


 There was a Point this Summer, when ALL my confidence somehow Evap--or---a----te-------_.  I couldn't 'See', I couldn't think, and "Don't Know" appeared as Demon Anxiety.  Go figure on THAT.  'It' was especially punishing because I had such ENORMOUS Success with Moving Tons in order to realign The Dragon's (Gypsy) Spine.  I even allowed myself some Elation while making ALMOST Every Effort to deflect Ego and remain Gratuitously Humble >>>>  I told David I would Devote this Summer to his Wife and her Battle with Lung Cancer.  This Battle was as Suffocating as the Summer Blistering and Humidity Bake.  Weakness permeates 'Being' and causes almost a paralytic Debilitation.  I hated myself for being Weak.  Still, if I wanted ANYTHING It all began with Moving Rock.  It's difficult to keep from writing, "Some Movement is Progress", because so it is with Failure.   Since there is ALWAYS Risk of Failure, Movement Sdrawkcab  ISN'T Progress, where Progress is Moving FORWARD into POSITIVE Construction.  

Sometimes Planning does NOT meet Universal Standards, where Universal Standards RELIES upon "X-the-Unknown".  I thought about Moving Brahma for DAYS until I finally got the 'balls' to RISK Failure.   I had to resign myself to an X-the-Unknown Outcome, that's the one where DESPITE the use of the tw o Tanakas, and TH R EE Come-Alongs, my inability to consider every and ALL 'Possibilities' would result in an EIGHT-TON  FLOP.   There would be nothing to do except spend one or tw o DAYS jacking Brahma to Upright.  

Here now "Great Risk, Great Reward".  All you gotta have is NERVE and 'BALLS'.  

It made me sick to my stomach, I must confess.

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