Thursday, September 3, 2020


 The rats INSIST on labeling this Election as a "Fight" for the "Soul" of America > perhaps thinking that Folks will view Biden as some sort of WHITE "Soul Man".   Was it "Sam and Dave" who duet-ed 
"I'm A Soul Man" > "Yes I am".  Joe is so WHITE he makes "Casper the Friendly Ghost" BLUSH.  That ain't necessarily BAD, but it sure in Hell don't make Joe a BAD ASS.  But I digress............ .

This ain't gonna-be no Election nor should it be designated a "Fight".  Here's one from Bro' Phlip :

"You wanna Fight ?  Then stick your head up my ass and FIGHT for air."  

What this IZ is, "The War  Of  The Worlds".  'It' En-FURY-ates me that Joey and the Rats ROMANTICIZE the War of the Worlds as a "Fight" between the Lords of the Light and the Dark Forces of the Dark.  That's the BEST they can do >>>>  The Dark Forces of the Dark.  HUGE "Points OFF" for redundant Redundancy what I will label > Re-dumb-dancy >>>  could be re-Dunce-ity too.  I'm jus' sayin'.  Romance can FUCK you and most often NOT in  "The Good Way"  neither.  

Joey's World is that of Democracy-as-Dream <  > trump's is that of Cruelty-as-Reality.  Joey can TRY to "Weaponize" Hope but Hope is NO MATCH for the Barrbed Wire REALITY of Excruciation so magnificently wielded by trump and his AG.   ["Barrb-ed Wire" -- get it ?]  

Where Truth IMPLIES Risk, Lies indicate CONCRETE.  It's Thinking versus Feeling >>> Reasoning versus Sensation >>>  It's UN-healthy to eat "Ding Dongs" for b-fast.  Know what I LOVE to eat for b-fast ???  Yup !!!

One Other :   trump has CHARISMA Joey DOESN'T.   It ain't like Joey is MACHO either.  

Trump has RUSSIA >>>>>  Joey has Harris.    

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