Thursday, September 3, 2020


 When my confidence Evaporated, 'FEAR' filled the Void.  GENERALLY, I see but tw o 'kinds' of Fear. Primal (Instinctual) and Psychological (that born of Modern Consciousness).  The Kung Fu Master Taught, "Fear is the Body's Wisdom that it is Weak".  Conversely, Bravery is the Body's Wisdom that it is Strong.  Either way, as you can read, somehow, in some Fucked-uP Paradox,   'Fear'   is 'connected' to Wisdom.          Somebody shoot me >>>>>> Please.

These days, as in Yesterday, I found myself reeling from Fear, the Fear that the Future will be a Continuation of trumpian Dark Ages, the one of Stalinist Oppression and Slaughter, thinly cloaked as Lenin Communism.  Here it is where Global Pandemic has become trump's PLAN-DEMIC, a One in which he Publicly REFUSES to 'Recognize' the Deaths exacted by the Plague Pandemic and, as if that were not Heinous Enough, Consciously Weaponizes IT to 'cull' the Black and Spanish-speaking 'Herd', Those that are HUGELY Susceptible to Covin Mercilessness.  ALL of us True American Citizens KNOW that if White Folks were as Threatened as American Blacks and American Spanish-Speakers HELL ITSELF would NOT Obstruct Every and ALL Medical and Scientific FERVOR to find the Vaccine and Therapeutics Necessary to Contain and CONTROL Covid-19.   Look around, anybody see THAT ??????? !

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