Sunday, June 27, 2021

Civilizational Mechanization

 "Cradle to Grave" Medical Coverage and Anti-Death Care >>   THIS is SOME of what Socialism 'Contains'. 

In order to Secure this `SOME`, the GENERAL Equality of Citizens MUST-BE 'Activated' to ensure Egalitarian Taxation and Uniform Wealth Dispersal.  HOW this `Activation` is to-be Implemented is the Challenge of Civilizational Mechanization.  The Ongoing CIVIL WAR Obstructs ALL Evolutionary Determinants.  Here it is where Drunken Power Mongers MUST BE DEFEATED by ANY MEANS AT HAND if Evolution is to be Received as Relief.  Obeisance to Political Brutality and Criminal Ruthlessness MUST be summarily CONFRONTED by those who SAY they Venerate the Values, Mores and Morals of Political Democracy--- here >> Abject Cowardice and Biblical MEEKNESS offers LITTLE in the way of Viable Intellectual and Emotional Weaponry.  Raw and Savage COURAGE Must-Be Summoned and Valor Restored to VIRTUE if Victory for All of Humankind is to-be Achieved.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

Nothing >>> Rules

 Elsewhere I have used Rhetoric, Logic and Sophistry to euthanize Democracy, claiming not only is it Obsolete but Genetically Pre-Dispositioned to a self-mutilating Internal "Die-back", meaning that Democracy contains both the Genes that PROMOTE the Healthy Growth of MAJORITY Ascendancy, AND it contains the Genes that will cause its own INEVITABLE Demise.  In this, Democracy MUST be viewed as ONLY a "Stage" of Governmental Evolution, similar to, say, the Neanderthals, who flourished Briefly, but eventually and INEVITABLY were Supplanted by more MODERN Human Superiors.  Accordion to MEE, it is SOCIALISM that is the LOGICAL And INEVITABLE "Next Stage" of Human Governmental Evolution, a Socialism Guided by Zen Buddhist QUANTUM MECHANICS , the Ones whereby Political COMPASSION and Spiritual COMMON SENSE are Asserted as Cosmic INFLUENCE in the Day-to-Day Rituals of Everyday PERSONAL Activities and the supposed Limitlessness of Governmental License.  In MYYY Utopian Universe, the Government is INVISIBLE and Things get Done of their own accord.  "The Government is BEST which Governs not at all".  This is what I Want.


 When I wuz Drinking, it's like I wuz treading-water in a Cesspool, I didn't KNOW I was treading-water in a fucking CESSPOOL, I thought, check that, I BELIEVED I wuz livin the HY LYFE, Drinkin myyself into a near Coma on a DAILY Basis.  The word 'Oblivious' gets us there.  That's how it iz with AmeriKKKan republiKKKans who have mixed the Alcohol of POWER with the OPIATE of Lunacy.  They BELIEVE they are "doin' fine on Cloud 9".  No Way in fucking HELL are you or Anyone Else gonna convince them that they are living in the Filth and Squalor of SUICIDAL Addiction.  Problem iz, they are "Running" the Country, where "Running" means Using ANTI-Democracy WEAPONS, Voter Suppression among them, to NEUTRALIZE and STALL The Will of the MAJORITY.  Here, the Case can be Constructed that Democracy and ANTI-Democracy 'Act' as Matter and ANTI-Matter when One comes in Contact with the Other.  This Contact Guarantees CATACLYSMAL Destruction.  We are Living IT even as I type these letters and words.  It's the Science of Political Physics even Though Zen Master Woody Allen has Cinema-Graphically declared >>> "Science is just an Intellectual Dead End."

Dee Dum Demento

 I haven't been able to Figure-out ANYTHING with regard to the ongoing Excision of Democracy by Lunatic Neo-Confederates [who are] DRUNK-ON-POWER.  I hear CONSTANTLY from one of my Inner Voices, "If you're so goddamn fucking Smart, and Zen is so god-awful fucking POWERFUL, than why can't you devise some SYSTEM OF REASONING that would Explain and SOLVE the Present Day CRISIS of Civil War ?"  Logic demands the Conclusion >>>  Well I guess I AINT THAT FUCKING SMART and Zen AINT THAT FUCKING POWERFUL.  That THAT both Sucks AND Blows, and simply Reminding myy Self that I'm the SMARTEST Five Year Old IN EXISTENCE duz LITTLE to mollify myy near-Rabid Intellectual FRENZY.  So wat happens iz, I go outdoors and work myself into near Paralysis `just-so` I DON'T have to confront myy own Inadequacy and Ineptitude.  `It` really don't work no good.  I suffer and I Suffer Greatly.  Woe iz Meeee --- "Poor Poor PITIFUL Mee".  

Wiz Dumb

 Since it's been several imaginary YEARS when last I took 'pen to paper' I figured I'd rite about NOT being able to Write.  It's qwrazee I know, to rite about NOT writing,, but here I am,,, defending a morbid sensibility that results in a "Stream of Consciousness" Overflow.  Folks who Suffer through my Daily Column in Twitter Space KNOW that Current Events have rendered me agonizingly Indolent, meaning, I find it EZ-ER to Badmouth the Good than Excoriate the Bad and Denigrate the Ugly.  It's all FEAR-based;; I'm old and I FEAR that the Death of Democracy will result in the Death of  `ALL`  Many ov us NEED in order to Make it to our Death Day in Some Form of RELATIVE Ease.  NONE of us want to Die Destitute and UN-Holy.  I want to Die with my "Boots ON" Sword in One hand Pen in the Other, or at least with Shovel in Hand and the Other on a Puller, cranking TONS of Merciless Wisdom into a Position of Noteworthy Observance.  Technically it would be BEST if I INVITED Death to myy Seated Meditative Position where I would STEP into the Bardo with the abject ASSISTANCE of Death.  THAT would be Perfect.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

When in doubt PANIC !!


I never thought I'd be here, not now, not EVA.  I always BELIEVED I would pull a "Leaving Las Vegas" the way Nicolas Cage did with such Dramatic BRILLIANCE.  Instead, Eye AM 'here', rite Now.  I've been running as hard as I am able--to AVOID the Fury and Bitterness I have deemed The Elixirs of Life and Immortality.  Every day I eat my own Liver and drink my own Bile, such is the nature of Universal Suffering.  

I wonder if Democracy, Bullet Brain Dead, can exist as Zombie-fied Apparition, capable of PHYSICAL Alteration.                                                      I doubt it.  

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

Death Nell

 Joe tried to Tell the World, "Democracy is Back".  LIE !!  All of Us here in AmeriKKKa KNOW that America is FIGHTING FOR ITS LIFE .   Democracy has been Resoundingly DEFEATED.  47 States have enacted or are in the Process of Enacting DEMOCRACY DENYING Voting Restrictions.  Yet there's Shadow Joe ether-realizing a World Dominance.  Here it is where Joe figures all he needs to do is Pay everybody's Rent and untie Nell from the Train Tracks and [then] all of Us can exist as "And they all lived Happily Ever After".  

It's INFURIATING to hear Joe whisper that Democracy is Under Threat of Extinction.  Joe NEEDS to ENTER THE FRAY with Weapons of Ferocity.  He NEEDS-TO NAME NAMES and CONFRONT the Tyrannical MINORITY with the UNFORGIVING Tenacity of a Pit Bull BITCH protecting her pups.  His triangulatory efforts to involve the Media as Therapeutic Communication Agent has generated "No Result Found".  

Dudley Do-Do Right

 Elsewhere I wrote that It AINT enough to 'get your shit together'--you-gotta KEEP it together"----I confess I have NOT been able to reside in my own shit.  Since my Sword Master >>Exited<< everyday I feel as if this day MAY be my Last and therefore, I gotta leave behind GARGANTUAN Effort.  Ridiculous, I know Still >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.........................

I have EXTREME Difficulty watching and listening to Shadow Joe Once Was.  All I can see and hear is him DESPERATELY Trying to be "Dudley Do-Right" of the Royal Canadian Mounties.  His oblique OBSESSION with RESCUING Miss America his "Damsel In Distress" >>  Nell Fenwick by Name <<  is manifested within his "I know you can't Pay The Rent" [as Snidely Whiplash maligns "But you MUST Pay the Rent"] So I'LL Pay Your Rent" --- is, in Actuality, in Psychological Terms, his unwitting Attempt at his OWN Unification>>> to Rescue HIMSELF from the Ravages of Universal Suffering, [itself COMMENDABLE by ANY Standards both Societal and Civilizational], thereby effecting Wholeness.

It's the "Damsel in Distress" thing that's morbidly irksome.

Eye Yam

 We CANNOT forget how trump Presented HIS SELF >>> as the Greatest DEAL MAKER OF ALL TIME.  The ONLY  "Deals"  trump gave us were of the Savagely RAW nature.  It was one fucking RAW DEAL after another.  In the End  King Deal Maker was seen as a fucking Universal JOKE.  This THIS was the Past GLAMORIZED as MYTHICAL PRESENT.  Trump was MAGA-NIFICENTLY Successful>>>  Folks WANTED TO BELIEVE.

Now Joe is perpetrating the SAME KIND OF "DEAL"  "Bet on ME, I'll set you Free".  Both offer the IDENTICAL Salvation, an America of Utopian Standards and Principles, these are all the SAME except for their Mark-ed Differences.  Either Way it's Two Senile Geriatrics vying for a Socio-Political Landscape in which they can run Wild, Naked and Free >>>as Mister America.

America as the Great  "I AM".

Even MORE of Absolute NOTHING

 Joe's wanton Self-Delusion allows him to present himself as "The Same Old Joe" that could bend the Wills of Adversaries and lean them toward HIS "I know Better" Volition.  Here it is where the PAST manufactures an Identity that cloaks Present Indemnity, meaning, Joe's senilic INSISTENCE that he can "Get the job done" thereby GUARANTEEING a Future of Care and Nurture via the ACA and "JOBS-JOBS-JOBS" is Presented as Defining Characteristic of HIS Conception of Whole-istic Socio-Political Fundamentalism.  

Joe aint "All THAT".  

Whore Shit and Anderings

 Biden stood before the World Order claiming "America is Back".  It's whore-shit of course.  The 3rd, 4th and 5th Worlds can (and should) openly Mock America's Return with "Folks who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."  Biden's Geriatric Frailty may be included in the Perception that Joe is so fucking OLD he can't see straight>> nor can he manage 'Level' or Plumb'.  Joe's Psyche is rife with Past ME-anderings and visions of Fairy Plums and Rainbow Multi-corns.  He has always coveted standing before the World as MIGHTY JOE BIDEN and now that he is a Shadow of His Former Self, resplendent with the World's Most Costly Military, he ACTUALLY stands beside himself AS his own Shadow.  When Joe claims that "America can do ANYTHING", he is ACTUALLY proclaiming his OWN,   MAGA-maniacal DELUSION.  



I awoke into a Consciousness receiving Strata Origin-ed Significance from Galaxy Central---I gotta tell ya, it was fucking IRRITATING.  There was-gonna-be no Return to sleep, not even a CHANCE. I got into the Cave and listened to the Live Stream.  Ongoing Analysis of Biden's Performance was intentionally "piggy-backed" on my Ongoing (2 month old) Misery.  Separate Waves, as it were, both boring into my Depth Perception resulting in an almost Demonic Possession manifested as scathing Cynicism and Arrogant Contempt which, in turn, shackles me with a morbid, Sci-Fi Despondency that relegates Good Intention to half-assed half-heartedness.  Here, it SEEMS much Better to simply RUN AWAY, rather then Confront the Demons that have plagued me throughout my entire life.  It's unfortunate that I choose to Bask in Self-Loathing---but I actually get thing DONE when Fury is expressed as "You must sublimate your Rage".