Sunday, June 27, 2021


 When I wuz Drinking, it's like I wuz treading-water in a Cesspool, I didn't KNOW I was treading-water in a fucking CESSPOOL, I thought, check that, I BELIEVED I wuz livin the HY LYFE, Drinkin myyself into a near Coma on a DAILY Basis.  The word 'Oblivious' gets us there.  That's how it iz with AmeriKKKan republiKKKans who have mixed the Alcohol of POWER with the OPIATE of Lunacy.  They BELIEVE they are "doin' fine on Cloud 9".  No Way in fucking HELL are you or Anyone Else gonna convince them that they are living in the Filth and Squalor of SUICIDAL Addiction.  Problem iz, they are "Running" the Country, where "Running" means Using ANTI-Democracy WEAPONS, Voter Suppression among them, to NEUTRALIZE and STALL The Will of the MAJORITY.  Here, the Case can be Constructed that Democracy and ANTI-Democracy 'Act' as Matter and ANTI-Matter when One comes in Contact with the Other.  This Contact Guarantees CATACLYSMAL Destruction.  We are Living IT even as I type these letters and words.  It's the Science of Political Physics even Though Zen Master Woody Allen has Cinema-Graphically declared >>> "Science is just an Intellectual Dead End."

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