Sunday, June 27, 2021

Dee Dum Demento

 I haven't been able to Figure-out ANYTHING with regard to the ongoing Excision of Democracy by Lunatic Neo-Confederates [who are] DRUNK-ON-POWER.  I hear CONSTANTLY from one of my Inner Voices, "If you're so goddamn fucking Smart, and Zen is so god-awful fucking POWERFUL, than why can't you devise some SYSTEM OF REASONING that would Explain and SOLVE the Present Day CRISIS of Civil War ?"  Logic demands the Conclusion >>>  Well I guess I AINT THAT FUCKING SMART and Zen AINT THAT FUCKING POWERFUL.  That THAT both Sucks AND Blows, and simply Reminding myy Self that I'm the SMARTEST Five Year Old IN EXISTENCE duz LITTLE to mollify myy near-Rabid Intellectual FRENZY.  So wat happens iz, I go outdoors and work myself into near Paralysis `just-so` I DON'T have to confront myy own Inadequacy and Ineptitude.  `It` really don't work no good.  I suffer and I Suffer Greatly.  Woe iz Meeee --- "Poor Poor PITIFUL Mee".  

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