Thursday, June 10, 2021

Death Nell

 Joe tried to Tell the World, "Democracy is Back".  LIE !!  All of Us here in AmeriKKKa KNOW that America is FIGHTING FOR ITS LIFE .   Democracy has been Resoundingly DEFEATED.  47 States have enacted or are in the Process of Enacting DEMOCRACY DENYING Voting Restrictions.  Yet there's Shadow Joe ether-realizing a World Dominance.  Here it is where Joe figures all he needs to do is Pay everybody's Rent and untie Nell from the Train Tracks and [then] all of Us can exist as "And they all lived Happily Ever After".  

It's INFURIATING to hear Joe whisper that Democracy is Under Threat of Extinction.  Joe NEEDS to ENTER THE FRAY with Weapons of Ferocity.  He NEEDS-TO NAME NAMES and CONFRONT the Tyrannical MINORITY with the UNFORGIVING Tenacity of a Pit Bull BITCH protecting her pups.  His triangulatory efforts to involve the Media as Therapeutic Communication Agent has generated "No Result Found".  

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