Sunday, June 27, 2021

Nothing >>> Rules

 Elsewhere I have used Rhetoric, Logic and Sophistry to euthanize Democracy, claiming not only is it Obsolete but Genetically Pre-Dispositioned to a self-mutilating Internal "Die-back", meaning that Democracy contains both the Genes that PROMOTE the Healthy Growth of MAJORITY Ascendancy, AND it contains the Genes that will cause its own INEVITABLE Demise.  In this, Democracy MUST be viewed as ONLY a "Stage" of Governmental Evolution, similar to, say, the Neanderthals, who flourished Briefly, but eventually and INEVITABLY were Supplanted by more MODERN Human Superiors.  Accordion to MEE, it is SOCIALISM that is the LOGICAL And INEVITABLE "Next Stage" of Human Governmental Evolution, a Socialism Guided by Zen Buddhist QUANTUM MECHANICS , the Ones whereby Political COMPASSION and Spiritual COMMON SENSE are Asserted as Cosmic INFLUENCE in the Day-to-Day Rituals of Everyday PERSONAL Activities and the supposed Limitlessness of Governmental License.  In MYYY Utopian Universe, the Government is INVISIBLE and Things get Done of their own accord.  "The Government is BEST which Governs not at all".  This is what I Want.

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