Monday, October 24, 2022

"Big Brother And The Holding Company"

           What modest 'Gains' that manifested as Intellectual/Philosophical Freedoms, those of the `relaxation` of Taoism, and Confucianism e.g., have been 'shadowed' by Xi's SUPER-re-Imposition of Communist Party [Dogma] which has already slowed China's GNP .   Here it is where 'Politics' gone the  way of Religion,, has been shown to be DIS-Advantageous to Public Welfare, in that a MANDATED State Religion DENIES the specific form of Future that has within IT at least the CHANCE, no matter how improbable, of Abstract Liberties, those that allow one's Imagination INFINITE Possibilities.   I am hard-pressed to accept Political Ideology as possessing a Self Nature that is Self Origin-ed, meaning, existing unto itself as Cosmic Absolute .   Saint Augustine once defended the Infinity of God by declaring, "there was never a Time when Christ did not Exist".  The same cannot be claimed by Marx nor did he ever attempt that declaration.  By re-instituting Communist Party Control into EVERY facet of Public and Private Industry he has qualified Communism as Omnipresent.  Here now the Vision of George Orwell and his, "Big Brother is Watching" made manifest.   

          I hope my Girl Janis Joplin will forgive me the title.

Geez Us

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"Break On Through To The Other Side"

           The "Belief in America", {{{I mean What The Fuck IS that {?} }}}  continues to be expressed as if an abstract congeal-ment of amorphous Thought Issue can actualize the PHYSICAL Constructive Forces necessary to not only identify grotesque Obstructions, but to build the Siege Machines that can either Bridge the Fortifications or Penetrate them so that the Will of the Electoral Soldiery can advance to battle Enemy Forces and achieve Victory vis-a-vis "Mano-a-Mano".   CNN HAS reported the 'Street Fighting' "Door to Door" Campaign to >stir< the "Home-bound Careless" into Outward Bound  Expedition whereby Democracy and its Essence, Voting,  is activated not just for Political Gain, but for PATRIOTIC SPIRITUALISM , the one of Political Compassion and Civilizational Altruism .   But STILL a barely Informed Public INSISTS >due to Propagandal Brain Washing< that Economic Hardship has, as its Source, Presidential Malfeasance.   Its fucking BULLSHIT of course, but `They know what they know` and their Opinions are {conglomerated} by misinformation that borders on Intellectual Dysentery.

"The Wind Cries Mary"

          I sat in Chairy-Chair's lap until this surfaced, `My 'stream of ConsciousNess' sometimes `turns into` a `river of madness` `.   I got up and got into the shower room to get ready to {ryte}.   I needed to empty the coffee grounds' bowl-did that--the outside almost torridly mild, "equatorial" as they say---still I wouldn't be able to work because of the heavy mist----all things remain Saturated-----the ground a soaked, and dripping sponge~~~~........ .   I'm confined.   

          I returned to Chairy-Chair and allowed miff and peeve to grow to irritation.   I allowed my self to miss-direct Inner Anger to Outer {Constigation} - the SUPER-Brains' Refusal to state the Obvious FOR the Benefit of the Conscious Collective .   The Media is no less GUILTY.  They have yet to amass the `Conglomerative` Warning of {Inevitable} Impending Doom in such a way as to "Shock and Awe" what remains of a once democracy loving Electorate.   Ex-Mil Leadership HAS Spoken in united Condemnation of Trumpism and its Mythological Criminality manifested as Tribal Politics and yet their Wisdom Words >the seemly ECHO of  Fore-Fathers' Recognition of TYRANNY< are barely heard, like whispers in a gale force windstorm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .       

           We recall >>   "The answers, my friends, are blowin' in the wind, the Answers are blowin in the wind".    

Saturday, October 22, 2022

"Know thyself..."


          Self Expression is the Key for Fundamental Transformation .   Self Expression unlocks UnConscious Energies that are needed to explore the Infinity of one's Kozmyk Self .  This is no EZ Task and MUST be considered a "Labor of Love" if ANY Success is to be achieved ((where Achievement is manifested as {with} Peace of Mind)) .   

          The Oracle at Delphi registered the Absolute :   "Know thyself, Nothing too much" in other words, You MUST know who you are and of what you are made AND you can NEVER know the ALL of You but Self Exploration MUST BE a CONTINUOUS Action.  

          Zen Masters Insist, In order to find Peace [and Prosperity] it is Necessary to 'Find' your True Self. .

          Two words, "TRY, TRY,, TRY !!!"

Rock Steady ........Steady az She goze ....

Tai Phoon

           It may have been intemperate to use John as an example.   He exists in the Divine Stratosphere of Supremely Gifted and 'that' MAY disqualify him from our {my} consideration.  There is the Problem of Subjectivity, my own, that degrades rhetorical description by imposing Opinion onto and INto Generalizations of Public Conscious ; indeed how many of us Know John ?   Please forgive me .

          I contend the 'Majesty of Being' is experienced through one's Life by way {dint} of CONSCIOUS activation of Creativity, and {of course} Imagination.  Here now  Life as Artistry, can be viewed as THE Ultimate Experience of Existence, meaning, to live one's Life `As IF` and `As Though` one CREATES one's Reality with the Industry of Harmonics and Aesthetics as STANDARDS.   This This involves ACTION-ABLE Action, the deliberative CHOICE to pursue Inner Peace and Outer Harmony in order to Live in Beauty rather than toil in Hardship and Ugliness.  

          There is a Kozmyk Absolute for this , it is, "We create our own Perceptual Reality".  

           Are we then to become Artists ?  Each and every one of us ?

          Two words ....   Yes .

Friday, October 21, 2022


            One must wonder if Majesty is a Feeling, an ongoing, [continuous] Sensation of some sort of Exquisite Realization of Infinite Beauty .   Is it a Condition of Reality {?} or merely a Delusion of Idyllic Idiocy -- the one that actually DENIES the intimacy of Misery and Suffering .   Can Misery actually Reflect Majesty ?  And what of Suffering ??  The Buddha's First Nobel Truth is :  "All Existence entails Suffering" .  How is it that Dr. Campbell can ignore THAT ?  Easy,  he  does  NOT.  Rather,  he  and  we MUST  conclude  that  Misery  and  Suffering  themselves   ARE   Majestic  .   In our Travels we have encountered "the Nobility of Suffering" an example of which is the "Hunger Strike", a `Position` of Self Sacrifice that {obviously} en-nobles Human Altruism { I Suffer for YOU }.     

          Here it is where Cosmic `becomes`   Cozmyk .  Misery and Suffering are Removed from the Realm of Negativity and elevated to Nobility and hence Majesty .   This Realm of Majesty can be reached {Attained} by Self Expression I dare to tag The Art of Self Expression .  [ This morning] the Universe has supplied John as Prime Example of the Majesty of Being accessed by The Art of Self Expression, Muzyq Resulting.

Electric Stardust


          I awoke from a Lecture given by the Universal Intelligence.  Oddly, it continued as I reached full ConsciousNess.  The Lecture was `on` John McLaughlin and his Music, but almost instantly, I realized it was on, "The Majesty of Being", a phrase 'coined' by Dr. Joseph Campbell, which he used to describe the Cosmic {Cozmyk} Experience of  >> Life << .  Needless to point out the abject Horror to which the so-called ` Universe ` has delivered unto us, Covid and the War in Ukraine to name the Obvious,, so the Lecture on 'Majesty' seems 'out of sorts' with the Public and (to some of us) Private Reality of a "Living Hell".   


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

"Return To Forever"


          "Do you want a Future or do you not ?"   THAT'S what the democraps should be Asking and asking with the Menacing Intensity of "The Blind Swords'Man >> Zatoici".   

            At this "Here" there can be no other Question that addresses the Existential Threat the republicans wield as materialized Weapon .   Here it is where Democracy should be recognized as a SYMBOL for Truth.  Here too, the Future MUST also be recognized as Primal INEVITABILITY meaning, {Socio} Political Evolution is UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE .      Believe it .

Rock steady.........Steady az She goze...,





           What {that thing} the democraps MISS is that the republicans offer not JUST a "Return to the Past" but in that "so doing" can be found A REJECTION OF  ANY   FUTURE .  In this, the republican religion is EXACTLY THE SAME AS >>>"Mohammedanism".  I use this archaic appellation because it directly transfers identification to Trumpism.  One man > one Religion.   Elsewhere I have delivered this `freight` with the Direct Express to influence {aggravate} acceptance of a particular 'set' of the so-called `Ideational Dynamics`.    Islamism is a Future DENYING Spiritual Realm.  Indeed, the Advance of TIME is an ENEMY of the State .   The Advance of Time is a DISTANCING of Mohammed's Truth, and this Distance results in a Lessening of Devotion Intensity .   Islam is WEAKENED by the Advance of Time.  

          One would think if not flat-out BELIEVE that The Divine Almighty, the Merciful One, the Compassionate One >>> Allah <<<  can NOT be Threatened by Time since it is HE who is the Generative Source of All Existence AND {the Force of } TIME ITSELF .   Nope ------------not even close ... .

Destination --Destiny of a Nation

          The Study of Martial Arts includes the NECESSITY of [Ritual] Combat.  Chogye Order Zen Sword {Shim Gum Do and [{ Kwan Um Do Kwang}] } use the exercise of "Form Fighting" to acclimate the student to combat >sensations< -- sensations that include the FEEL of wood Sword on wood Sword,  the movement of attack and retreat,, and the Experience of NECESSITY >> which manifests as Reliance on Self.    Wallace and hers have bemoaned the PRONOUNCED Dis-Interest the democraps have `observed` during these most Demanding Times, where Rhetorical Combat Readiness SEEMS to be a Requirement .  It is safe to `ject` {offer injection} that democraps {certainly} have NO Desire to engage in ANY Form of Combat let alone Rhetorical Combat DESPITE the FACT that Politics most often manifests as Political DISCOURSE if not flat-out Social Intercourse .   Here it is where Oration, the Vocal Expression of Ideational Dynamics is Vital if not CRUCIAL IFF Govern-Mental Policies are to be received as NON-Problematical Insistences WORTHY of Electors' Consideration .   Here it is where Inner CONFIDENCE must be expressed as SUPERIOR Accomplishment and FAITH ---the Whole Deal where Political SELFLESSNESS advises {and Directs} an ALTRUISTIC Trajectory that has as ITS Destination {Destiny of a Nation}  >>>"A more Perfect Union".  


           The Hippie Huntress, Nicole Wallace, was near Apoplexy while delivering her >>>Broad Cast<<< yesterday during the late afternoon .   She has a "Mary-Ann Faithful" Face, and her Voice is `Mom-Soothing` ~~~  so much of her Intensity `gets` 'diluted' --- .   Still,,,  her SPIRIT, that of an Amazon Warrior, can NOT be Denied, and her Street Savvy Intelligence is >indentured heavy<, meaning she WORKS for Democracy in a manner of Unremitting Devotion and ALMOST Unconditional Love.  

          Of late, she as focused on the Upcoming Midterms and has been calling into Attention democratic strategy, if strategy can be used for Fumbling and Mumbling Idiot-tomics.   { Idiot Tomics is Idiot Atomics, where Atomics is Elemental Power of ESSENTIAL Non-Thinking, Non-Deliberative,, Non-Reasoning,,, Outflow}.   In other words, Stupidity at the Atomic Level .   

          Wallace CONDEMNS demo{craps} for their LACK of Political Refinement, and my use here of 'refinement' is grossly GENEROUS, because, in Situational Reality, many of those 'running' for Office have largely IGNORED the Truth of Combat Actuality.  The republicans have declared WAR on the democraps, a Declaration that MUST be Addressed because of its very Nature.  

          Wallace has the Clear Vision Of The Ancients and because of her Ability has been able to Penetrate Causal {and A-Causal} Reality with Superior Acuity .  She Bellows,  OUR DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE !!!!    Politically {and Spiritually}  there is no GREATER Truth .

Season of the Switch


          I slept wearing one of my work hoodies.  I didn't want to get even a chill during the sleep session.  I'm old now, frail almost ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~almost.   Three days or relentless rain {we NEED every drop, indeed, every fukking MOLECUE} has saturated the soil, beyond three inches, and the moisture penetrates the 'above' to permeate my bone tissue--------- ... .   The `Rok That Dident Want` is now as close to 'in place' as my weakened Spirit can attain .   I had to dig its rear to lower its front and  present  its'  face  so  that  it  is  perpendicular  to ground level ;  disappointingly, its much smaller now because of its receded elevation .  It's still `prominent` but not COMMANDING as are the Others.  Oh Well .  

          Winter preparations are ongoing, I refuse to "get caught with my pants down" as I was last Season {Of the Switch} .  Age hastens Experience, Experience begets Wisdom, and although there are far more DELIGHTFUL endeavors, I can't bare another Spring of Regret and most Bitter Remorse .  My Life is EXCEEDINGLY  short  and that Duration DEMANDS Effort .   So It is, and So It must be.


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Little Engineer That Could


          I'm leaving this This here.  

          COG can be altered by shifting its position relative to the direction of drag and/or movement desired.  The greater the Mass and Density the greater the Difficulty---Believe it.

          Keep in mind Archimedes' Absolute 

                                     "Give me a place to stand, and I can move the Earth".

Rock steady........steady az She goze... .


           I've come to FULLY 'Appreciate' the Psycho-Physicality of "Center of Gravity".  Beneath every "dire situation" there is "Gravity".  We hear, "You can almost FEEL the 'Gravity of the Situation' " or, "The Gravity of the Situation was palpable".  With Rok and Stone Movement the Center of Gravity MUST be Acknowledged and Acknowledged FULLY.  The Center of Gravity Influences Movement, since The Center of Gravity SCRIBES not only Direction by Drag Co-Efficient.  Changing the Center of Gravity alters the Drag Co-Efficient and can increase or decrease the Force needed to advance .   

          The Application of the Awareness {a-WARY-Ness} of COG is readily apparent and even VITAL to Present Day Socio-Geo Politics ESPECIALLY with regard to {p}utin's PSYCHOTIC 'Advisory' that he WILL use Tactical Nuclear 'Devices' should [his] Annexations 'come-under' Ukrainian Counter-Attack.   Here, the Center of Gravity is putin's Self Delusion that his War is JUSTIFIED .  The COG is none-other than [[his]] Megalomanic{al} Criminality --Human Atrocities resulting.   The Question surfaces, 'Can the [his] COG be altered ?'  -----------------------------------------------------  Tough one... .


"Over, Under,, Sideways,,, Down"

           Zen touts the Beauty of Asymmetry but I'm `here to tell ya`, be Wary AND Cautious when it comes to Rok Rigging and Rok Movement in general .  Here, it is Necessary to 'Think in 3D', meaning, to gain MULTIPLE Perspectives that Include X-the Unknown and even Y the Invisible .   I've been a `Victim of Shove` which SEEMS Impossible bc I'm SOOOOO {phuqing} {smot} but sadly it's True.  Brute Force is the Default Physicality when Exasperation blinds Reason.   But beware, Brute Force is part of "Trial and Error", and commands Effort in the Realm of "Explore ALL Possibilities" and SHOULD be Included in the Scientific Technique of Experimentation.  Alas, I NEVER allow myself to get to that Realm, choosing instead to `take the train` to Performance Perdition after passing through Cluster-Fuck and Shyt-Show City.  Not much Zen in either of those Locations .   Still, we have been Taught to "Learn from our mistakes" BUTT you DO NOT want to `live` in THAT seamy underbelly of pseudo-Psycho Relevance---for ONE thing it is caustically waste{full} and egregiously Time Consuming and worse {IMPRACTIC-ABLE}.  Being Practic-able is part of the Efficiency Harmonic and should be Valued as such.  What sucks is that it takes TIME to be Practic-able and many of us {MEE} do not 'take the time' to ponder "Consequence" .   

Steeve the Stooge does the Can-Can

           You kidz remember that rok that was uP then down, then uP then down ?   Well I got it uP and instead of `going WITH  it` I  decided  to get artsy-fartsy, to get  >>>qute<<< with it and wouldn't ya know ?   Yup, I 5 Stooged it {ryte} to the base-line level.  Here's the Wisdom --->  Don't try and get >>>qute<<< with a 700 pound Rok.  All the Shyt I was proud of, the rigging-as-Engineering-blah-blah-blah was all for NAUGHT in a single eye-blink of Stooge {Geriatric} Imbecility and Moronic Dishevel-ment.  "One more prod" was all it took to set the rok in a SUPER-Slow-Motion tumble from Elevation 2 to Cluster-Fuk-Shyt-Show City.  All I {cood} do was gawk.  Newtonian GENIUS to Steve the Stooge in less tyme then it takes to say, `Can I even BEEEEE more stupiter ???`.  [[[I can---I SO can]]] .

"Rig for Silent Running"


          Warmth and the delightful Fragrance of Sandalwood Incense ~~~~~~~  Winter has arrived.  

          It's been three days now---steady winds---gale forces and the incessant Rush of Wind-Sensational, Punishing, Damaging, Ravishing >>> as though Mother Nature is pulling out Her Hair in a Fury of Exasperation and Blind Rage ..........

         Three weeks Later I'm where I was to begin with, the Wall remains unfinished except for a 10 foot section .   Let's see ---that's 3 YEARS in Retirement Tyme---my body so much worse from {where} and {tare}.  I AM Stronger however, my lumbars and spinal erectors now turned to rope wires and cable steel-- did NOT see THAT coming.  

The BIGGEST Thing ??  I've become the 5th Stooge-joining Moe, Larry, Curly and Shemp as 'slapstick' Comedian---unfortunately I'm NOT Acting---it's Real.  Woe is me~Woe is me................. .