Friday, October 21, 2022


            One must wonder if Majesty is a Feeling, an ongoing, [continuous] Sensation of some sort of Exquisite Realization of Infinite Beauty .   Is it a Condition of Reality {?} or merely a Delusion of Idyllic Idiocy -- the one that actually DENIES the intimacy of Misery and Suffering .   Can Misery actually Reflect Majesty ?  And what of Suffering ??  The Buddha's First Nobel Truth is :  "All Existence entails Suffering" .  How is it that Dr. Campbell can ignore THAT ?  Easy,  he  does  NOT.  Rather,  he  and  we MUST  conclude  that  Misery  and  Suffering  themselves   ARE   Majestic  .   In our Travels we have encountered "the Nobility of Suffering" an example of which is the "Hunger Strike", a `Position` of Self Sacrifice that {obviously} en-nobles Human Altruism { I Suffer for YOU }.     

          Here it is where Cosmic `becomes`   Cozmyk .  Misery and Suffering are Removed from the Realm of Negativity and elevated to Nobility and hence Majesty .   This Realm of Majesty can be reached {Attained} by Self Expression I dare to tag The Art of Self Expression .  [ This morning] the Universe has supplied John as Prime Example of the Majesty of Being accessed by The Art of Self Expression, Muzyq Resulting.

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