Tuesday, October 4, 2022

"Rig for Silent Running"


          Warmth and the delightful Fragrance of Sandalwood Incense ~~~~~~~  Winter has arrived.  

          It's been three days now---steady winds---gale forces and the incessant Rush of Wind-Sensational, Punishing, Damaging, Ravishing >>> as though Mother Nature is pulling out Her Hair in a Fury of Exasperation and Blind Rage ..........

         Three weeks Later I'm where I was to begin with, the Wall remains unfinished except for a 10 foot section .   Let's see ---that's 3 YEARS in Retirement Tyme---my body so much worse from {where} and {tare}.  I AM Stronger however, my lumbars and spinal erectors now turned to rope wires and cable steel-- did NOT see THAT coming.  

The BIGGEST Thing ??  I've become the 5th Stooge-joining Moe, Larry, Curly and Shemp as 'slapstick' Comedian---unfortunately I'm NOT Acting---it's Real.  Woe is me~Woe is me................. .

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