Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Destination --Destiny of a Nation

          The Study of Martial Arts includes the NECESSITY of [Ritual] Combat.  Chogye Order Zen Sword {Shim Gum Do and [{ Kwan Um Do Kwang}] } use the exercise of "Form Fighting" to acclimate the student to combat >sensations< -- sensations that include the FEEL of wood Sword on wood Sword,  the movement of attack and retreat,, and the Experience of NECESSITY >> which manifests as Reliance on Self.    Wallace and hers have bemoaned the PRONOUNCED Dis-Interest the democraps have `observed` during these most Demanding Times, where Rhetorical Combat Readiness SEEMS to be a Requirement .  It is safe to `ject` {offer injection} that democraps {certainly} have NO Desire to engage in ANY Form of Combat let alone Rhetorical Combat DESPITE the FACT that Politics most often manifests as Political DISCOURSE if not flat-out Social Intercourse .   Here it is where Oration, the Vocal Expression of Ideational Dynamics is Vital if not CRUCIAL IFF Govern-Mental Policies are to be received as NON-Problematical Insistences WORTHY of Electors' Consideration .   Here it is where Inner CONFIDENCE must be expressed as SUPERIOR Accomplishment and FAITH ---the Whole Deal where Political SELFLESSNESS advises {and Directs} an ALTRUISTIC Trajectory that has as ITS Destination {Destiny of a Nation}  >>>"A more Perfect Union".  

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