Monday, October 24, 2022

"The Wind Cries Mary"

          I sat in Chairy-Chair's lap until this surfaced, `My 'stream of ConsciousNess' sometimes `turns into` a `river of madness` `.   I got up and got into the shower room to get ready to {ryte}.   I needed to empty the coffee grounds' bowl-did that--the outside almost torridly mild, "equatorial" as they say---still I wouldn't be able to work because of the heavy mist----all things remain Saturated-----the ground a soaked, and dripping sponge~~~~........ .   I'm confined.   

          I returned to Chairy-Chair and allowed miff and peeve to grow to irritation.   I allowed my self to miss-direct Inner Anger to Outer {Constigation} - the SUPER-Brains' Refusal to state the Obvious FOR the Benefit of the Conscious Collective .   The Media is no less GUILTY.  They have yet to amass the `Conglomerative` Warning of {Inevitable} Impending Doom in such a way as to "Shock and Awe" what remains of a once democracy loving Electorate.   Ex-Mil Leadership HAS Spoken in united Condemnation of Trumpism and its Mythological Criminality manifested as Tribal Politics and yet their Wisdom Words >the seemly ECHO of  Fore-Fathers' Recognition of TYRANNY< are barely heard, like whispers in a gale force windstorm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .       

           We recall >>   "The answers, my friends, are blowin' in the wind, the Answers are blowin in the wind".    

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