Monday, October 24, 2022

"Break On Through To The Other Side"

           The "Belief in America", {{{I mean What The Fuck IS that {?} }}}  continues to be expressed as if an abstract congeal-ment of amorphous Thought Issue can actualize the PHYSICAL Constructive Forces necessary to not only identify grotesque Obstructions, but to build the Siege Machines that can either Bridge the Fortifications or Penetrate them so that the Will of the Electoral Soldiery can advance to battle Enemy Forces and achieve Victory vis-a-vis "Mano-a-Mano".   CNN HAS reported the 'Street Fighting' "Door to Door" Campaign to >stir< the "Home-bound Careless" into Outward Bound  Expedition whereby Democracy and its Essence, Voting,  is activated not just for Political Gain, but for PATRIOTIC SPIRITUALISM , the one of Political Compassion and Civilizational Altruism .   But STILL a barely Informed Public INSISTS >due to Propagandal Brain Washing< that Economic Hardship has, as its Source, Presidential Malfeasance.   Its fucking BULLSHIT of course, but `They know what they know` and their Opinions are {conglomerated} by misinformation that borders on Intellectual Dysentery.

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