Tuesday, October 11, 2022


           What {that thing} the democraps MISS is that the republicans offer not JUST a "Return to the Past" but in that "so doing" can be found A REJECTION OF  ANY   FUTURE .  In this, the republican religion is EXACTLY THE SAME AS >>>"Mohammedanism".  I use this archaic appellation because it directly transfers identification to Trumpism.  One man > one Religion.   Elsewhere I have delivered this `freight` with the Direct Express to influence {aggravate} acceptance of a particular 'set' of the so-called `Ideational Dynamics`.    Islamism is a Future DENYING Spiritual Realm.  Indeed, the Advance of TIME is an ENEMY of the State .   The Advance of Time is a DISTANCING of Mohammed's Truth, and this Distance results in a Lessening of Devotion Intensity .   Islam is WEAKENED by the Advance of Time.  

          One would think if not flat-out BELIEVE that The Divine Almighty, the Merciful One, the Compassionate One >>> Allah <<<  can NOT be Threatened by Time since it is HE who is the Generative Source of All Existence AND {the Force of } TIME ITSELF .   Nope ------------not even close ... .

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