Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Season of the Switch


          I slept wearing one of my work hoodies.  I didn't want to get even a chill during the sleep session.  I'm old now, frail almost ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~almost.   Three days or relentless rain {we NEED every drop, indeed, every fukking MOLECUE} has saturated the soil, beyond three inches, and the moisture penetrates the 'above' to permeate my bone tissue--------- ... .   The `Rok That Dident Want` is now as close to 'in place' as my weakened Spirit can attain .   I had to dig its rear to lower its front and  present  its'  face  so  that  it  is  perpendicular  to ground level ;  disappointingly, its much smaller now because of its receded elevation .  It's still `prominent` but not COMMANDING as are the Others.  Oh Well .  

          Winter preparations are ongoing, I refuse to "get caught with my pants down" as I was last Season {Of the Switch} .  Age hastens Experience, Experience begets Wisdom, and although there are far more DELIGHTFUL endeavors, I can't bare another Spring of Regret and most Bitter Remorse .  My Life is EXCEEDINGLY  short  and that Duration DEMANDS Effort .   So It is, and So It must be.


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