Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Mayan Cryin'

 I'm ravenous -- I gotta leave this here.

There aint gonna-be no Glorious Rainbow of Optimistic Unicorn Shit.  We are in the Abyss of Dark Age Horror, previously deemed IN-FUCKING-POSSIBLE.  I NEED you Kidz to FULLY Comprehend that THIS IS THE APOCALYPSE  >the War of Evil Versus Good< .  Thing is 'It' is NOT 'Biblical' in Form, rather it is Ancient MAYAN in Nature, meaning Political Structure as SPIRITUAL Manifestation.  This 'THIS' is why trump somehow remains as President, a perversely MYSTICAL 'Spirituality', a "Dark Force" of Evil-Ality, if you will,  that can be cloaked in CHILDLIKE Cognizance as in "Why Grandma, what BIG Teeth you have."   The Mayans BELIEVED 2012 to be THE END OF THE WORLD.  I have argued THEY WERE RIGHT.  It seems as if NO ONE was prepared for the Spiritual FORECLOSURE of Political Democracy since its INVISIBILITY was itself manifested as Governmental Obscuration  Fascism Resulting.  

Rock Steady........steady as She goes....

Urgent Procrastination

 I have spoken with nothing less than abject Despair regarding the unrelenting Sensory Bombardment of trumpian Demagoguery.  His Incessant POUNDING of Lies, Deceit, Deception and Disarray has BEATEN and GROUND our Collective Nerves to RAW and Bleeding to the Point of Critical and now CHRONIC Numbness, Mental EXHAUSTION resulting.  Here it is where Jason Stanley points out a Facet of Fascism that somehow EVADES a Shared Commonality Recognition, it is the NORMALIZING of trump's "World View" a View that is EGO-CENTRIC and DENIES the Scientific TRUTH that he is NOT The Center of The American Universe.  Here it is where the Acceptance of the Other, a hallowed Trait of Democracy, has been Perverted BY DEMOCRACY, to allow his Lies, Deceit, Deception and Disarray to be DISMISSED as "Live and Let Live", the Biblical, "Turn the Other Cheek" and Jesus' Near-Death Abomination, "Father, Forgive them, they know not what they do".  Here it is where democrats still dance and frolic in the meadow of Pleasure and Hospitality, OBLIVIOUS to the Menace and THREAT of Tyrannical OPPRESSION, an INSIDIOUS and obliquely Obscure Oppression, where Misery and Suffering are MAJOR Manifestations of trumpian HOSTILITY , Avarice and ARROGANCE.  Here it is where Medical and Political URGENCY is NOWHERE TO BE BE FOUND among democratic 'leadership' since they would rather enjoin self-serving Holiday and VACATION rather that attend to the CATASTROPHIC Emergencies currently afflicting the American Masses.   Here it is where PANDEMIC, UNEMPLOYMENT, and RACISM are Viewed NOT as IMMEDIATE Nation-Saving NECESSITY but rather as "We'll get to it when we get around to it."

Don-old Duck

 Among the so-called 'Learned' there is an Essential that decries ANY 'Analysis' that invokes Hitlerian Nazi-ism to Metaphor and/or Analagorize Modern Day Political DRAMA.   You Kidz KNOW I have SYSTEMATICALLY 'invoked' said Metaphor and Analogies in many if not MOST of my Considerations by USING said blaspheme-ic allusions in order to IMPOSE a Toynbee-like 'Pattern Recognition'.  'It' has the EVERYDAY COMMON SENSE that ANY First Grader uses on a Routine Basis---  it is this >>  "If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, and if it quacks like a duck then IT MUST BE A DUCK."  Granted, I have taken MORE than a few intellectual and literary adjuncts in order to express OUTRAGE over the FACT of INTENTIONAL OVERLOOK of CLEARLY Pathological Fascism, that of heinous Political Policy as Ferocious CRUELTY.   

The Physics of Fascism

I'm writing this morning because the other day I finished reading Jason Stanley's How Fascism Works the POLITICS of US and THEM.  I had to wait an entire Day in order to assimilate its Information.  If I hadn't waited I would have blasted a suRGE of  Praise, deeming Stanley THE GREATEST ANALYTICAL HISTORIAN OF ALL TIME, a not inclusive representation of the elements of Anthropology and Ethnography also employed to Describe and Explain  "Modern Day' Fascism.  

I must warn you, I found Affirmation and VERIFICATION of my own industrial labors, plus, he Writes in Professorial Dissertation that is both Profound and, believe it or don't, Soothing.  I have written elsewhere that the recording of History can be boringly defaulted by simple Description, the "This happened, then this..." does NOT aid in Understanding, since 'it' can effect or affect Emotion and NOT invoke a careful Consideration or Study.  The Greatest Historians provide INSIGHT which then become TOOLS of Investigation, Pattern Recognition and Conclusitory EVIDENCE >> the application of which can Bore Into and/or Pry OPEN the Day-to-Day Propagandal Exigencies of Lies, Deceit, Distortion and Disarray, CHAOS and Confusion resulting.  

Stanley not only 'gives' us Eyes to See, he provides the ways and means of INSIGHT.


I must beg for forgiveness.  I have not be True to a Promise of Description, Explanation and Insight.  My writing shouldn't shouldn't be  dependent upon foul and/or inclement weather but I confess, it IZ.  I've been waiting for a 'Rainy Day' to record, subjectively, the Con-Currency of Events that are nothing short of incessant Sensory Bombardments delivered by an American Administration whose 'leader' is a Hitlerian Putinist of the King-ly Order.  I have tried to 'keep uP' my End of a Bargain by my Twitter Account >>>  it has been doggedly GRUELING to do so since to record the Events of the Bombardment is to experience the malignant CRUELTY of most Heinous Intellection, if Propagandal Oration as Presidential Rhetoric can be deemed as 'Intellectual'.  Clearly it CANNOT, since trump and his have 'Weaponized'  Moronic IMBECILITY, in order to maintain a Power Base of Red Neck and Wealthy Elite who have NO 'Interest' in Political Policy but rather view trump as THEIR Weapon, a Weapon to be used as Lash or Whip upon the Backs of REASONABLE Americans, those of Patriotic Compassion, the One whose 'Voice' has broadcasted Protest, Discontent and HORROR, at trump and his administration's Ethical and MORAL Abandonment of their Obliged and Dutiful CONSTITUTIONAL Fealty.  I have been gun-shy about immersing my self in trump's Filth and Squalor and chosen instead to allow myself the Luxury of Simplicity, a Beauty that is both Lavish and HEALING.  

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Minority Retort

 Reports are surfacing that are verifying a Conceit I raised during 'Some Time Ago', that being the URGENCY of Recognizing the ABSOLUTE NEED to inflict SLAUGHTER upon trump and his.  The Electoral College GUARANTEES republican VICTORY should the Neutral States turn toward or lean on trump's Bolshevik Extensions.  This Not-an-Election will Gettysburg IN TRUMP'S FAVOR if   'IT'  is "Close".   In recent years the rats have SWAMPED the Popular Vote only to SINK in Electoral College DEFEAT.  Here it is where Democracy's FLAW is itself GUARANTOR of  MINORITY RULE, the Very OPPOSITE of Democracy's Design INTENTION.   

Joey as "Soft-Spoken" 'Gentleman Pokey' is a Persona UNSUITED for the War that currently RAGES..  I personally do NOT see Joey as a Bad Ass Predator KILLER.  That DOESN'T imply he can't be MEAN and Nasty ---it MEANS that he MUST  surround himself with BAD-ASSES who CAN fight like DEMONS in a Bar(r)Room Brawl.  Joey MUST marshal Troops, Cadres and  Contingents in order to WEAPONIZE Political Compassion that which SHOULD be THE Prevailing Ideology of Enlightened Democracy.   

Joey's gotta situate Intellectual WARRIORS as his Cabinet Members NOW !!!!!  Show The Masses that HE is FULLY Capable of ATTRACTING War Ready and Combat PROVEN Veterans whose Abject Virtue CANNOT be Challenged.  

I gotta go.  I've been at this since 1.

Rock steady........Steady as She goes....


 The rats INSIST on labeling this Election as a "Fight" for the "Soul" of America > perhaps thinking that Folks will view Biden as some sort of WHITE "Soul Man".   Was it "Sam and Dave" who duet-ed 
"I'm A Soul Man" > "Yes I am".  Joe is so WHITE he makes "Casper the Friendly Ghost" BLUSH.  That ain't necessarily BAD, but it sure in Hell don't make Joe a BAD ASS.  But I digress............ .

This ain't gonna-be no Election nor should it be designated a "Fight".  Here's one from Bro' Phlip :

"You wanna Fight ?  Then stick your head up my ass and FIGHT for air."  

What this IZ is, "The War  Of  The Worlds".  'It' En-FURY-ates me that Joey and the Rats ROMANTICIZE the War of the Worlds as a "Fight" between the Lords of the Light and the Dark Forces of the Dark.  That's the BEST they can do >>>>  The Dark Forces of the Dark.  HUGE "Points OFF" for redundant Redundancy what I will label > Re-dumb-dancy >>>  could be re-Dunce-ity too.  I'm jus' sayin'.  Romance can FUCK you and most often NOT in  "The Good Way"  neither.  

Joey's World is that of Democracy-as-Dream <  > trump's is that of Cruelty-as-Reality.  Joey can TRY to "Weaponize" Hope but Hope is NO MATCH for the Barrbed Wire REALITY of Excruciation so magnificently wielded by trump and his AG.   ["Barrb-ed Wire" -- get it ?]  

Where Truth IMPLIES Risk, Lies indicate CONCRETE.  It's Thinking versus Feeling >>> Reasoning versus Sensation >>>  It's UN-healthy to eat "Ding Dongs" for b-fast.  Know what I LOVE to eat for b-fast ???  Yup !!!

One Other :   trump has CHARISMA Joey DOESN'T.   It ain't like Joey is MACHO either.  

Trump has RUSSIA >>>>>  Joey has Harris.    

"Let's lick VD."

Somewhere during 'A While Ago'  I wrote a Piece expressing Fear that trump would INDEED Benefit from a 'Rigged' Election, seeing-how HE and HIS (including putin's Cyber Army) would 'Rig' the Election and/or Election Results THEMSELVES.  Who (the fuck) could EVA Imagine that trump would be capable of fucking with the United States Postal Service in such a grotesquely DIABOLICAL Fashion ?   I sure didn't, I don't believe ANYONE Did or COULD !!!  The WORST Combat Atrocity is to UNDERVALUE your Opponent's "Condition" to BELIEVE he or she is INCAPABLE of Sordid Ruthlessness and Intellectual Debauchery, Manifest CRUELTY resulting.  The (democ)-rats stubborn Insistence that trump is moronically Imbecilic, Senile, Addled and Delusionally Demented has generated NEW Levels of Political Toxicity that has exacerbated an already unstable Ideological Platform.   I have warned,

Using Biden to combat trump is the same as using Covin to neutralize Covin.

You can see that, rite ?


 When my confidence Evaporated, 'FEAR' filled the Void.  GENERALLY, I see but tw o 'kinds' of Fear. Primal (Instinctual) and Psychological (that born of Modern Consciousness).  The Kung Fu Master Taught, "Fear is the Body's Wisdom that it is Weak".  Conversely, Bravery is the Body's Wisdom that it is Strong.  Either way, as you can read, somehow, in some Fucked-uP Paradox,   'Fear'   is 'connected' to Wisdom.          Somebody shoot me >>>>>> Please.

These days, as in Yesterday, I found myself reeling from Fear, the Fear that the Future will be a Continuation of trumpian Dark Ages, the one of Stalinist Oppression and Slaughter, thinly cloaked as Lenin Communism.  Here it is where Global Pandemic has become trump's PLAN-DEMIC, a One in which he Publicly REFUSES to 'Recognize' the Deaths exacted by the Plague Pandemic and, as if that were not Heinous Enough, Consciously Weaponizes IT to 'cull' the Black and Spanish-speaking 'Herd', Those that are HUGELY Susceptible to Covin Mercilessness.  ALL of us True American Citizens KNOW that if White Folks were as Threatened as American Blacks and American Spanish-Speakers HELL ITSELF would NOT Obstruct Every and ALL Medical and Scientific FERVOR to find the Vaccine and Therapeutics Necessary to Contain and CONTROL Covid-19.   Look around, anybody see THAT ??????? !


 There was a Point this Summer, when ALL my confidence somehow Evap--or---a----te-------_.  I couldn't 'See', I couldn't think, and "Don't Know" appeared as Demon Anxiety.  Go figure on THAT.  'It' was especially punishing because I had such ENORMOUS Success with Moving Tons in order to realign The Dragon's (Gypsy) Spine.  I even allowed myself some Elation while making ALMOST Every Effort to deflect Ego and remain Gratuitously Humble >>>>  I told David I would Devote this Summer to his Wife and her Battle with Lung Cancer.  This Battle was as Suffocating as the Summer Blistering and Humidity Bake.  Weakness permeates 'Being' and causes almost a paralytic Debilitation.  I hated myself for being Weak.  Still, if I wanted ANYTHING It all began with Moving Rock.  It's difficult to keep from writing, "Some Movement is Progress", because so it is with Failure.   Since there is ALWAYS Risk of Failure, Movement Sdrawkcab  ISN'T Progress, where Progress is Moving FORWARD into POSITIVE Construction.  

Sometimes Planning does NOT meet Universal Standards, where Universal Standards RELIES upon "X-the-Unknown".  I thought about Moving Brahma for DAYS until I finally got the 'balls' to RISK Failure.   I had to resign myself to an X-the-Unknown Outcome, that's the one where DESPITE the use of the tw o Tanakas, and TH R EE Come-Alongs, my inability to consider every and ALL 'Possibilities' would result in an EIGHT-TON  FLOP.   There would be nothing to do except spend one or tw o DAYS jacking Brahma to Upright.  

Here now "Great Risk, Great Reward".  All you gotta have is NERVE and 'BALLS'.  

It made me sick to my stomach, I must confess.


 I awoke at 1, into full Consciousness.  I relieved myself then opened the deck door and got splattered by cotton-candy fog so thick I couldn't breathe or even swallow.  

The Universe has 'sent' me some stuff of which Dreams and Wishes are contrived, devised and sought.  WHY this is so is as perplexing as it is vexing.  From the LARGEST to the smallest, I THINK I'm getting rewarded for Cosmic Efforts----- ______ .   You know how sometimes you want the Universe to "Send" a "Signal" ?  Some Thing that Identifies your Struggle as Righteous & Worthy of Celestial Being Contact  ?        Well........

You'd think, at least you WANT to think, that Super-Natural Gifts from Super-Natural Beings provide a Divine Affirmation >>>... ,  that what you've planned and executed is in Accordance with Cosmic Principles.  Isn't that the Whole Thing and Nothing BUT the Whole Thing ???  To be in Harmony with Universal Vibrations ?  I mean, you'd think.  

I have expressed Guilt about running away from my Duties and Obligations, to seek Solace and Sanctuary in the Rock Moving Samadhi of INFINITELY Right Here and Just NOW.   I KNOW I 'need' the INTIMATE Proximity of Vast Emptiness in order to free my mind and make it Receptive to Earthly Forces, those Forces which reveal Solutions to Universal Suffering.  Yet, still I feel Shame.